Who Will Vindicate the Orphan and Oppressed

Evil abounds as you well know. Human trafficking, child abuse, pornography, persecution of Christians, rape, abandonment, violence, murder, the list goes on. God is not blind. He sees what is going on in our nation and world. God is not deaf. He hears the prayers of those being wronged.
Psalm 10:17-18 tells us that God will vindicate the orphan and oppressed. “O Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline Your ear to vindicate the orphan and the oppressed, so that man who is of the earth will no longer cause terror.”
God is not only Savior, He is also a vindicator of the orphan and oppressed. He will execute judgment on evil. In the meantime, Christ has positioned us to be His light to those who are hurting and have been wronged. Shine brightly, friend.
Lord God, thank You for assuring us that You hear the humble, the orphan, and the oppressed. Thank You for strengthening hearts and being the VINDICATOR for those who have been terrorized. Thank You for the blessing of eternity with You through Jesus our Lord.
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3 Securities in Times of Fear

Does the prevalence of evil in our society cause you to be fearful for loved ones, yourself, and even those you don’t know? Once, after speaking at a church, a mom confided in me that she feared for her child. Part of her fear was because she had been molested as a child. Part was due to the moral decline in our nation and the increase in lawlessness throughout our world. What hope was I able to give her?
Prayer. Jesus teaches us to pray in Matthew 6:13, “Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We can daily pray that for others and ourselves. We can pray that for the unsaved and those who are blinded by evil. We can pray God will open their eyes and they will turn to the Truth and Light.
The Bible. The Bible is a safeguard that teaches us what to do and not to do. We can teach our children to respect and obey God and His Word which will keep them from walking in evil ways.
Eternal Salvation. We can’t escape all evil influences, but, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 comforts us that the Lord is faithful and will strengthen and protect us from the evil one. How we need this at this time!
Which of the above three could you strengthen to safeguard you, your family, and our world from evil?
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word that shows us how to live, for being able to pray to You, and for Christ’s faithfulness to strengthen and PROTECT us.
Would you like a way to record prayers for your loved ones and our world? Get a copy of the Prayers of My Heart prayer journal HERE.
Thank You God for being Righteous in an Evil Day

Tragic. Frightening. Unreal. Evil. Infuriating. Senseless. What words well up in you when you think about blatant lawlessness that is occurring? We can evacuate cities when hurricanes are predicted, but we can’t predict when evil will raise its ugly head. People are asking, “What can we do?” No one knows. To what can we cling?
Our Heavenly Father promises to strengthen us and help us. How? God’s righteous powerful hand upholds us in the midst of evil, terror, and natural disasters. Turn to Him in this evil day. Pray for our nation and world. Be encouraged by the words of Isaiah 41:10.
“Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).
Heavenly Father, thank You that in this evil day, You are RIGHTEOUS.
“Upholder” is one of God’s 26 character traits that I delve into in my book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion. Get it for yourself or to give to a friend.
3 Securities in Times of Fear

Does the prevalence of evil in our society cause you to be fearful for loved ones, yourself, and even those you don’t know? Recently, after speaking at a church, a mom confided in me that she feared for her child. Part of her fear was because she had been molested as a child. Part was due to the moral decline in our nation and the increase in lawlessness throughout our world. What hope was I able to give her?
PRAYER: Jesus teaches us to pray, “Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We can daily pray that for others and ourselves. We can pray that for the unsaved and those who are blinded by evil. We can pray God will open their eyes and they will turn to the Truth and Light.
The BIBLE. The Bible is a safeguard that teaches us what to do and not to do. We can teach our children to respect and obey God and His Word which will keep them from walking in evil ways.
ETERNAL SALVATION. We can’t escape all evil influences, but, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 comforts us that the Lord is faithful and will strengthen and PROTECT us from the evil one. How we need this at this time!
Which of the above three could you strengthen to safeguard you, your family, and our world from evil?
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word that shows us how to live, for being able to pray to You, and for Christ’s faithfulness to strengthen and protect us.
TIP: Record prayers for loved ones and our world here.
Thank God for being RIGHTEOUS in an Evil Day

Tragic. Frightening. Unreal. Evil. Anger. Senseless. What words well up in you when you think about blatant lawlessness that is occurring? We can evacuate cities when hurricanes are predicted, but we can’t predict when evil will raise its ugly head. People are asking, “What can we do?” No one knows. To what can we cling? Our Heavenly Father promises to strengthen us and help us. How? God’s RIGHTEOUS powerful hand upholds us in the midst of evil, terror, and natural disasters. Turn to Him in this evil day. Pray for our nation and world.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in this evil day, You are RIGHTEOUS.
“Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My RIGHTEOUS right hand” Isaiah 41:10
“Upholder” is one of God’s 26 character traits that I delve into in my book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion. Get it for yourself or to give to a friend.
3 Securities in Times of Fear

Does the prevalence of evil in our society cause you to be fearful for loved ones or perhaps even yourself? Recently, after speaking at a church, a mom confided in me that she feared for her child. Part of her fear was because she had been molested as a child. Part was due to the moral decline in our nation and the increase in lawlessness. What hope was I able to give her?
PRAYER: Jesus teaches us to pray, “Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We can pray that daily for our loved ones and ourselves. We can pray that for our nation, that the unsaved and those who are blinded by evil and who are deceived will open their eyes and hearts and turn to the Truth and Light.
The BIBLE. The Bible is a safeguard that teaches us what to do and not do. We can teach our children to respect and obey God and His Word which will keep them from walking in evil ways.
ETERNAL SALVATION. We can’t escape all evil influences, but, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 comforts us that the Lord is faithful, and will strengthen and PROTECT us from the evil one. How we need that at this time!
Which of the above three could you strengthen to safeguard you and your family from evil?
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word that shows us how to live, for being able to pray to You, and for Christ’s faithfulness to strengthen and protect us.
TIP: Record prayers for loved ones here as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.
When You Fear for Your Loved Ones

Does the prevalence of evil in our society cause you to be fearful for loved ones? Recently, after speaking at a church, a mom confided in me that she feared for her child. Part of her fear was because she had been molested as a child. Part was due to the moral decline in our nation. What hope was I able to give her?
PRAYER: Jesus teaches us to pray, “Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We can pray that daily for our loved ones.
THE BIBLE. The Bible is a safeguard that teaches us what to do and not do. We can teach our children to respect and obey God and His Word.
ETERNAL SALVATION. We can’t escape all evil influences, but, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 comforts us that the Lord is faithful, and will strengthen and PROTECT us from the evil one.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word that shows us how to live, for being able to pray to You, and for Christ’s faithfulness to strengthen and protect us.
“But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and PROTECT you from the evil one.”
Record prayers for loved ones here as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.
When You Fear for Your Loved Ones
LISTEN to Today’s 60 sec Audio Podcast
Does the prevalence of evil in our society cause you to be fearful for loved ones? Recently, after speaking at a church, a mom confided in me that she feared for her child. Part of her fear was because she had been molested as a child. Part was due to the moral decline in our nation. What hope was I able to give her?
PRAYER: Jesus teaches us to pray, “Do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We can pray that daily for our loved ones.
THE BIBLE. The Bible is a safeguard that teaches us what to do and not do. We can teach our children to respect and obey God and His Word.
ETERNAL SALVATION. We can’t escape all evil influences, but, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 comforts us that the Lord is faithful, and will strengthen and PROTECT us from the evil one.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word that shows us how to live, for being able to pray to You, and for Christ’s faithfulness to strengthen and protect us.
You’re Invited! Join me TONIGHT, September 9, 5:15 pm for my PRAYERS of MY HEART Prayer Journaling Workshop. Discover 7 Benefits of Journaling, how to enhance your prayer life, and experience an increased attitude of gratitude through journaling. Journal -$14.99. Info below. Walk-ins welcome. Come as you are.
What: PRAYERS of MY HEART Prayer Journal Workshop
When: Sunday, September 9, 5:15 pm
Where: Trinity Baptist Church Chapel, 800 Jackson Rd, Kerrville, TX
Who: You, your family, and friends!
“But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and PROTECT you from the evil one.”
Thank God for being RIGHTEOUS in an Evil Day
“Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My RIGHTEOUS right hand”
Tragic. Frightening. Unreal. Evil. Anger. Fear. Hopelessness. Horror. Sickening. Unfair. Senseless. Panic. What words well up in you when you think about Stephen Paddock opening fire and mass murdering 59 innocent people and injuring over 500 others? We can evacuate cities when Hurricanes are predicted. But we can’t predict when evil will raise its ugly head. Everyone is asking, “What can we do?” No one has the answer for how to prevent another mass murder. Our Heavenly Father understands our fear. He promises to strengthen us and help us. How? In the midst of evil, terror, and natural disasters, a RIGHTEOUS powerful hand holds the believer. God is RIGHTEOUS and we must turn to Him in this evil day. Sign up HERE to get my upcoming monthly Faith Nugget, “Being a Good Soldier in the Battle Against Evil.”
Heavenly Father, thank You that in this evil day, You are RIGHTEOUS.
photo by David Becker
Praise to Our Protector
“But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one” (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
Does the amount of evil in our day ever cause you to fear for yourself or loved ones? Recently, after speaking at a church, a young mom approached me and confided that she feared for her child. Part of her fear was because she had been molested as a child. Part stemmed because of the immoral culture in which we live. What hope do we have in the day in which we live? Prayer, obedience to God’s commands, and eternal salvation.
Prayer: In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us to pray to be delivered from evil. We ask our Heavenly Father to protect us and others; to deliver us from evil.
Obedience: The Bible is our safeguard. It instructs in the way in which we should walk. It protects us by telling us what is evil so we don’t fall for Satan’s schemes.
Eternal Salvation: We can’t escape all evil in this life. But, Jesus has provided for our eternal protection and salvation from evil by opening the path to heaven. The Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect all who call on Him.
Lord, our PROTECTOR, thank you for protecting us from the evil one’s daily snares and from an eternity of evil. Help us walk wisely, strengthen, and keep us from evil.