Exodus 34:6
Could You Use Some Compassion?

Could you use some compassion? Does it seem like everything is going wrong? Are you trying your best but it never seems to be enough? Are you on a treadmill of bad habits that you’re trying to break but haven’t been successful? Do you feel like a failure? If you’ve ever felt one of those ways, then you know how our soul longs for compassion when we’re going through those times.
Exodus 34:6 is an incredible word from God if you could use some compassion. “Then the LORD passed by in front of him (Moses) and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.’”
Those are wonderful words to hear any time, but do you know when God expressed His compassion to Moses? It was on Moses’ second trek up Mount Sinai for a “redo” of the Ten Commandments. Why a redo? Because when Moses saw the Israelites worshiping the golden calf he angrily shattered them. Yes, God called Moses back up the mountain and showed him compassion. Our Heavenly Father is compassionate. Go to Him. Call on Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me, forgiving me, and being COMPASSIONATE toward me. Help me gratefully receive Your compassion and then extend it to others.
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Praise to God Who Is Gracious

Have you ever experienced a time when someone was gracious toward you? Perhaps you said or did something you wish you hadn’t, but instead of the person responding in anger or making you feel guilty, they extended grace and forgave you. Even more wonderful is the fact the Lord is gracious, as evidenced through the Bible.
One such instance is found in Exodus 32. You may recall that God, in His grace, used Moses to lead the enslaved Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. After their freedom, God graciously wrote the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone for Moses to give to the nation and and by which they were to live. Think about it. Only 10 commandments. Yet when Moses came down from the mountain, he found the people indulging in revelry, dancing around a golden calf and worshiping it. God’s anger burned, understandably, and Moses was so furious that he threw the tablets to the ground, causing them to shatter. Fast forward. The people repented and God called Moses to return to Him on the mountain top and to bring two more tablets of stone. Exodus 34:6 states, “Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.’”
Although the Israelites had turned away from God and worshiped idols, the Lord was gracious to them, offering grace and forgiveness.
Just as God was gracious to the people of Israel, He is gracious to us. When we sin, we can turn to Him, repent of our sins, and receive His forgiveness. Is there anything for which you need to repent today? If so, do it now. God is waiting and ready to graciously forgive you.
Lord, thank You for being GRACIOUS toward us, for not holding our sins against us, but instead, for giving us new days and new opportunities. We are thankful beyond words for Your grace.
Would you like to experience more of God’s lavish grace? Check out Debbie’s Bible study, “Experiencing Grace and Peace in Cultural Chaos” by clicking HERE. You can also access the free accompanying videos and podcasts by clicking HERE.
Could You Use Some Compassion?

Could you use some compassion? Has life been brutal? Does it seem like everything is going wrong? Are you trying your best but it never seems to be enough? Are you on a treadmill of bad habits that you’re trying to break and can’t? Do you feel like a failure? If you’ve ever felt one of those ways then you know how our soul longs for compassion in the midst of those times. Exodus 34:6 is an incredible word from God if you could use some compassion today. It says,
Then the Lord passed by in front of him (Moses) and proclaimed, ‘The Lord, the Lord God, COMPASSIONATE and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.”
Those are refreshing words to hear at any time, but do you know when God expressed His compassion? It was on Moses’s second trek up Mount Sinai for a “redo” of the Ten Commandments. Why a redo? Because when Moses saw the Israelites worshipping the golden calf he angrily shattered them. Yes, God called Moses back up the mountain and showed him compassion. Our Heavenly Father is compassionate. Go to Him. Call on Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for deeply loving us, forgiving us, and being COMPASSIONATE toward us. Help us gratefully receive Your compassion and walk in it rather than cling to desperation and loneliness.
Could You Use Some Compassion?

Could you use some compassion? Has life been brutal? Does it seem like everything is going wrong? Are you trying your best but it never seems to be enough? Are you on a treadmill of bad habits that you’re trying to break and can’t? Do you feel like a failure? If you’ve ever felt one of those ways then you know how our soul longs for compassion in the midst of those times. Exodus 34:6 is an incredible word from God if you could use some compassion today. It says, “Then the Lord passed by in front of him (Moses) and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, COMPASSIONATE and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.” Those are refreshing words to hear at any time. But do you know when God expressed His compassion? It was on Moses’s second trek up Mount Sinai to do a “redo” of the Ten Commandments since he had angrily shattered the first tablets when he found the Israelites worshipping the golden calf. Yes, God called Moses back up the mountain and showed him compassion. Our Heavenly Father is compassionate. Go to Him. Call on Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You for deeply loving us, forgiving us, and being COMPASSIONATE toward us. Help us gratefully receive Your compassionate and walk in it rather than cling to desperation and loneliness.
Could you use some compassion?

Could use some compassion? Has life been brutal? Does it seem like everything is going wrong? Are you trying your best but it’s never seems to be enough? Are you on a treadmill of bad habits that you’re trying to break and can’t? Do you feel like a failure? If you’ve ever felt one of those ways then you know how our soul longs for compassion in the midst of those times. Exodus 34:6 is an incredible word from God if you could use some compassion today. It says, “Then the Lord passed by in front of him (Moses) and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, COMPASSIONATE and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.” Those are refreshing words to hear any time. But, do you know when God expressed His compassion? It was on Moses’s second trek up Mount Sinai to do a “redo” of the Ten Commandments since he had angrily shattered the first tablets when he found the Israelites worshipping the golden calf. Yes, God called Moses back up the mountain and expressed His compassion. He will express His compassion to you, too, when you call on Him.
LORD, thank You for deeply loving us, forgiving us, and being COMPASSIONATE toward us.
Praise to God Who is Gracious
“Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and GRACIOUS, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth;”
God led the enslaved Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. Moses ascended the mountain where God wrote the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone. Moses came down the mountain to find the people playing like harlots. They danced around a golden calf and worshiped it. God’s anger burned. Moses’s anger burned. Moses threw the tablets; shattering them. Fast forward. The people repented. God called Moses to return to Him on the mountain top and to bring two more tablets of stone. Then the Lord passed in front of Moses and proclaimed His graciousness. Are you grateful for God’s graciousness toward you? If so, praise Him now.
Lord, You are GRACIOUS toward us; not holding our sins against us; but rather, giving us new days and new opportunities. We are thankful beyond words for You. Thank You, Lord God, for being so graciousness.
Thank you, Lord, for being COMPASSIONATE toward us
“Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, COMPASSIONATE and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth.”
Do you know someone who is harsh and not compassionate?
Could use a little compassion from a family member or friend; yet they’re anything but compassionate?
The Hebrew word from which “compassion” is derived means “to love deeply, have mercy, be compassionate, have tender affection.” It describes God’s COMPASSION for us. Be assured, God deeply loves you. Thank Him for His COMPASSION, then turn and show compassion toward someone.
LORD, thank You for deeply loving us. We praise You, COMPASSIONATE LORD!
“Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth;”
Exodus 34:6
God led the enslaved Israelites OUT of Egyptian bondage. Moses ascended the mountain where God wrote the Ten Commandments on two tablets of stone. Moses came down the mountain to find the people playing like harlots. They danced around a golden calf and worshipped it. God’s anger burned. Moses’s anger burned. Moses threw the tablets from his hands and shattered them. Fast forward. The people repented. God called Moses to return to Him on the top of the mountain with two more tablets of stone. Then the Lord passed in front of Moses and proclaimed His GRACIOUSNESS. Are you grateful for God’s graciousness toward you? If so, praise Him now.
LORD, You are a GRACIOUS God! I am so thankful for You and Your graciousness. Thank You for ….
Record ways in which God has been GRACIOUS TO YOU in Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL.
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