Genesis 1:27
Does Anyone Care About the Maker’s Baby?

July 12, 2021 news outlets reported a biological male “mother” attempting to breastfeed a newborn birthed by his biological female “boyfriend.” The biological male holding the baby to his chest commented, “The baby has been able to latch, but I have not been able to produce any milk…” 1
As I watched the news my heart sank for the newborn baby being taunted with a biological male’s breast.
Where do you stand in relation to the Lord being our maker who created us male and female (Genesis 1:27)?
Do you agree or disagree with Isaiah 44:24 that clearly states, “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, ‘I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone…’,”?
The Lord is our maker. We are to worship Him and abide by His created order. Then and only then will we find peace with Him and others.
Lord, You are the MAKER of heaven and earth, who forms us from the womb. Bring revival to our nation for the sake of innocent babies, children, and those who have not heard about You.
1 McMurray, Patty. “Biological Male ‘Mother’ Attempts To Breastfeed Newborn Birthed By His Biological Female ‘Boyfriend’[VIDEO]” The Gateway Pundit, July 15, 2021.
Would you like to become better equipped to stand for the truth of Christ’s teachings and share your faith in love? Join us for our Jude Bible study, Contend Earnestly for the Faith, beginning July 10th. More information and registration can be found HERE.
Does Anyone Care About the Maker’s Baby

July 12,2021 numerous news outlets reported about a biological male “mother” attempting to breastfeed a newborn birthed by his biological female “boyfriend.” The biological male holding the baby to his chest commented, “The baby has been able to latch, but I have not been able to produce any milk…” *
As I watched the news on TV, I had to rewind and watch and listen closely, thinking I had misunderstood. As the news continued, my heart and mind sank in sorrow. Not for the couple. My heart sank for the newborn baby looking/yearning for a nipple to suck that would bring forth God’s intended milk. How cruel is it to taunt an innocent hungry baby with the biological male’s breast that the couple knew had no milk? How cruel to have a hungry baby’s mouth latch to a male nipple already knowing the outcome? “I have not been able to produce any milk…”. At what point do we as a nation begin caring about innocent babies? At what point do we make our voices loud and clear that we believe in the LORD our MAKER and we stand for males and females being created with distinct genders to God’s honor and glory?
Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, ‘I, the LORD, am the MAKER of all things, Stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone…Isaiah 44:24
Formed from the womb. Formed male and female. (Genesis 1:27) By the LORD our MAKER. My heart breaks. Does yours? Tears and prayers are desperately needed for our nation and for innocent babies.
LORD, our hearts are heavy. We grieve over the blatant denial of You as MAKER of heaven and earth, as the LORD who forms us from the womb. Hear our prayers. Turn hearts back to You. Bring revival to our nation for the sake of all the innocent babies and children and those who have never heard about You.
To You, LORD, I Lift Up My Soul
When we enter our prayer time in the mornings, it’s a miraculous experience. Long before man invented the cell phone, God created us with the capacity to commune with Him and He with us. Our spiritual wiring is activitated when we repent and call on the Lord Jesus for salvation. Just like we may receive a credit card in the mail, but have to call the number on the label to “activate” it; so God has reached out to us in Jesus Christ. We need only call on Him. We confess, “JESUS is LORD” and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead. He equips us with the Holy Spirit. THAT’S WHY I’M SO GRATEFUL to be ABLE to LIFT UP MY SOUL to HIM EVERY MORNING.
What I record in my Prayers of My Heart Journal most often begins with PRAISE. For instance, my morning reading of Psalm 50 beginning with verse 1 is, “The Mighty One, God, the LORD, has spoken, and summoned the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting.” In the first column of my “Week At A Glance” (labeled LORD), I record Mighty One Who Speaks. I momentarily ignore the columun lines and write across the page, “Speak to our hearts. We listen, respond, and obey.” That’s a good prayer request, don’t you think? And, it was prompted by God’s reminder to me of WHO HE IS. I then record specific requests for loved ones, friends, our church, and nation.
To You, Oh LORD, I lift up my soul. What a blessing to be able to do that every morning.
Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion TIP: Read a Psalm or Proverb every day. Look for a way in which God reveals Himself. Use your praise of Him as the springboard for your prayers as in the above example.