Genesis 22:13
Heavenly Gifts for Daily Needs

“I need this. I need that.” Sometimes our human nature screams for what we want. We want a heavenly genie to grant our desires. We may be frustrated because God isn’t dropping from heaven what we envision to be a perfect life.
What do we do when Jehovah Jireh, “The LORD will Provide,” doesn’t appear to provide exactly as we want? First, it’s important that we understand the context of Genesis 22:13 when God’s name, “The LORD Will Provide,” is introduced. The scene was when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a test of his obedience. Abraham walked in faith, assuring Isaac that God would provide a sacrifice. The Hebrew name “Jehovah Jireh” means “the LORD will see to it.” In other words, Abraham believed that God would provide a substitute sacrifice in place of Isaac. It foreshadowed God seeing to our salvation by providing Jesus as a sacrifice for us.
But it’s important to realize that God has seen to even more. He has provided us with abundant life by giving the Holy Spirit as a substitute for our fallen spirit. God has seen to our daily questions about how to do life by providing Biblical instruction as a substitute to cultural trends on marriage, sex, money, parenting, envy, anger, and more. Yes, God has seen to our eternal and daily needs by providing Jesus, the Bible, and Holy Spirit. The question isn’t if there is a heavenly God who hears and answers our prayers. Rather, it is whether we are walking in faith according to God’s instructions, as Abraham did. If not, begin today.
Heavenly Father, we praise You, Jehovah Jireh, the LORD WHO PROVIDES. Help us not foolishly ignore the Spirit’s presence and Biblical truth but rather walk by both.
Want to learn more about God’s provision? Read this related blog post.
Heavenly Gifts for Daily Needs

ONLINE SPEAKING: I’ll be a guest on AWLM’s Instagram Live today, Monday, July 12 at 12:30. The program is a Christian ministry to wives. Please pray Jesus speaks through me to encourage wives in their relationship with Him and their husbands. Instagram is one of our new ministry fields where we provide Scripture, Kidz Time videos, etc. Follow me on Instagram to be a part.
“I need this. I need that.” Sometimes our human nature screams for what we want. We want a heavenly genie to give us what we want. We may be frustrated because God isn’t dropping from heaven what we envision to be a perfect life. What do we do when Jehovah Jireh, “The LORD will Provide,” doesn’t appear to provide exactly as we want? First, it’s important that we understand the context of Genesis 22:13 when God’s name, “The LORD Will Provide,” is introduced. The scene was when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as a test of his obedience. Abraham walked in faith, assuring Isaac that God would provide a sacrifice. The Hebrew name “Jehovah Jireh” means “the LORD will see to it.” In other words, Abraham believed that God would see to providing a substitute sacrifice in place of Isaac. It foreshadowed God seeing to our salvation by providing Jesus as a sacrifice for us. But it’s important to realize that God has seen to even more. He has seen to providing us with abundant life by providing the Holy Spirit as a substitute for our fallen spirit. Have you ever thought about that? God has seen to our daily questions about how to do life by providing Biblical instruction as a substitute to cultural trends on marriage, sex, money, parenting, envy, anger, and more. Yes, God has seen to our eternal and daily needs by providing Jesus, the Bible, and Holy Spirit. The question isn’t if there is a heavenly God who hears and answers our prayers. The question is if we are walking in faith as Abraham, according to God’s instructions? Are we? If not, begin today. Available resources to assist you:
Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion book with questions for individual study or group discussion.
Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion free teaching session videos on YouTube.
How to Live by the Divine Nature daily devotional Bible Study for individual or group use.
UpLIFT Minute podcast free on Podbean or ITunes. Put your camera up to the following QR Code to open and listen to UpLIFT Minute.
Heavenly Father, we praise You, Jehovah Jireh. You are the LORD WHO PROVIDES for our eternity and daily life. Help us not foolishly ignore the Spirit’s presence and Biblical truth but rather walk by both.
Dropped Out of Heaven

“I need this. I need that.” Sometimes our human nature screams for what we want. We long for a magic genie to give or tell us what we want to have or hear. Sometimes we may be frustrated because we wish God would drop from heaven what we envision to be the perfect life. What do we do when Jehovah Jireh, “The LORD will Provide,” doesn’t appear to provide what we want? First, it’s important to understand the context, Genesis 22:13, of God’s name, “The LORD Will Provide.” It is when God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his son, as a test of his obedience. Abraham walked in faith, assuring Isaac that God would provide the sacrifice. The Hebrew words, “Jehovah Jireh,” means “the LORD will see to it.” God seeing to it that there was a substitute sacrifice for Abraham to use in place of Isaac foreshadowed Jesus “seeing to it” by providing Himself as our sacrifice. Now, what about those things on our wish list? God “sees to it.” He has gifted us with His Holy nature to equip us to live beyond our human nature. God “sees to” our problems by instructing us in the Bible how to do life, relationships, money, parenting, envy, anger; and the list goes on. Jesus is God’s provision. The Bible is God’s provision. The Holy Spirit is God’s provision. He is “seeing to it” above and beyond our daily and eternal needs. Are we walking as Abraham, according to God’s Word, and therefore experiencing His provisions?
Heavenly Father, we praise You, Jehovah Jireh. You are the LORD WHO PROVIDES for not only our eternity but our every day. Help us not foolishly ignore Your daily presence and Word but rather see both as bountiful gifts that from heaven to see to our daily needs.
Dropped Out of Heaven

“I need this. I need that.” Sometimes our human nature screams for what we want. We long for a magic genie to give us or tell us what we want to hear. Sometimes, we may be frustrated because we wish God would drop from heaven the perfect life we envision. How do we reconcile when God, Jehovah Jireh, which means “The LORD will Provide,” doesn’t appear to provide? First, we need to understand the context of God’s name, “The LORD Will Provide.” Genesis 22:13 is a verse with which you’re likely familiar. God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his son, as a test of his obedience. Abraham walked in faith, conveying to Isaac that God would provide the sacrifice. The Hebrew words, “Jehovah Jireh,” means “the LORD will see to it.” God seeing to that there was a substitute sacrifice for Abraham to use in place of Isaac foreshadowed Jesus “seeing to it” by providing Himself as our sacrifice. Now, what about those things on our wish list? God “sees to it.” He has gifted us with His own Holy nature to equip us to live beyond our human nature. God “sees to” our problems by instructing us in the Bible how to do life, relationships, money, parenting, envy, anger; and the list goes on. Jesus is God’s provision. The Bible is God’s provision. The Holy Spirit is God’s provision. He is “seeing to it” above and beyond our eternal needs. He is “seeing to” our daily needs. Are we walking as Abraham, according to God’s Word, and thereby experiencing His provision?
Heavenly Father, we praise You, Jehovah Jireh. You are the LORD WHO PROVIDES for not only our eternity but our every day. Help us not foolishly ignore Your daily presence, Spirit, and Word, but rather see each as a bountiful gift that You’ve dropped out of heaven into our arms.
“Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place The LORD WILL PROVIDE.”
Sometimes, we may feel that we simply can’t live up to the standards God sets before us. And, it’s true. We can’t. That’s why God has provided righteousness to us through His Son. God gives us salvation. God gives us forgiveness. God gives us empowerment throught the Holy Spirit. God gives us a new life in Christ. God gives us overs. God provides for all that He requires. When God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son as a test of his obedience and then provided a ram in the place of Isaac, Abraham named the place, “The LORD Will Provide.” The Hebrew words, “Jehovah Yireh,” means “the LORD will see to it.” God seeing to the provision for Abraham foreshadowed Him sacrificing Jesus to “see to it” that our sin debt was paid. The LORD PROVIDING His only SON to pay for our sin is the ultimate act of love. Are you in need of help in some area of your life today? Look to the LORD WHO PROVIDES.
Heavenly Father, we praise You, the LORD WHO PROVIDES. Thank You for providing Your Son to pay our sin debt. Thank You for all the ways in which You provide. We worship You!