God of the Armies of Israel
When You’re In A Battle, Remember This

Are you familiar with the story of David and Goliath? It’s an account of a lad using a slingshot to overpower a giant. Unlike a Disney movie, it isn’t fiction.
I encourage you to open your Bible and read 1 Samuel 17 as if it were your first time. A number of things jumped out to me when I reread the passage.
David was confident that he would prevail over the giant. (Not could, but would.) He wasn’t hoping that luck would be on his side. Rather, his confidence was rooted in his past experiences when God had been there for him. Yes, Goliath was different from prior “giants” he’d faced, but God was the same present help.
First Samuel 17:45 records his confidence in God. “David said to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.’”
Are you facing a giant in your life? Are you afraid you won’t prevail? Although people may offer you what’s worked for them in the past, their “armor,” the fact is, your reliance on the God of the Armies of Israel is what is necessary for God to empower you and ensure victory.
Is He your confidence today?
Heavenly Father, GOD OF THE ARMIES OF ISRAEL, I place my confidence in You.
Stay connected with Debbie beyond the blog! Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.
When You’re In A Battle, Remember This

Are you familiar with the story of David and Goliath? It’s an account of a lad using a slingshot to overpower a giant. Unlike a Disney movie, it isn’t fiction.
I encourage you to open your Bible and read 1 Samuel 17 as if it were your first time. A number of things jumped out to me when I reread the passage.
David was confident that he would prevail over the giant. (Not could, but would.) He wasn’t hoping that luck would be on his side. Rather, his confidence was rooted in his past experiences when God had been there for him. Yes, Goliath was different from prior “giants” he’d faced, but God was the same present help.
First Samuel 17:45 records his confidence in God. “David said to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.’”
Are you facing a giant in your life? Are you afraid you won’t prevail? Although people may offer you what’s worked for them in the past, their “armor,” the fact is, your reliance on the God of the Armies of Israel is what is necessary for God to empower you and ensure victory.
Is He your confidence today?
Heavenly Father, GOD of the ARMIES of ISRAEL, I place my confidence in You.
Want to learn more about building your confidence and trust in God? Watch this video by Debbie.
Praise to the God of the Armies of Israel
“Then David said to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.’”
Are you familiar with the story of David and Goliath? Most people are. The Biblical account of a winsome lad using a slingshot to overpower a mean giant is something like a Disney movie. But, it isn’t fiction. It’s a powerful historical account with thousands of eyewitnesses. I encourage you to open your Bible and read 1 Samuel 17 as if it were your first time. Among numerous things, one jumped out at me when I reread the passage this morning. David’s confidence that he could prevail over the giant wasn’t a whimsical wish. His confidence was rooted on past experiences when God had been there for him. The giant before him was different from his past battles, but God was the same present help to him.
Are you facing a giant? Does it seem insurmountable? Are you afraid you can’t win? Those around us may offer us their “armor” – what’s worked for them, and it might help. But, in the end, nothing man offers us compares with reliance on the God of the Armies of Israel. God is present to empower you and ensure victory. Look to Him.
Heavenly Father, You are the God of the armies of Israel who leads angelic hosts to prevail against all who are against You. Win the battles in our lives as we stand in Your name against the enemies of our flesh, Satan, and fallen world.