God's Workmanship
“We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,“
“I am God’s workmanship.” Say it to yourself. Be humbled by it. But He not only created us as human beings; He recreated us in Christ Jesus. In other words, He made us anew. The word “created” in verse 10 means “to form, shape, to completely change or transform.”* That means we have a new start in Christ Jesus. And with our new start, come new works – good works. Maybe we look at our past and think of the times we’ve blown it. But our past is just that – past. After we’ve repented of our “bad works,” God calls us to today and to the good works for which He created us. I’m walking as His workmanship today. So are you.
Heavenly Father, what a delight to start over every day and to know that Your mercies and compassion are fresh every morning. Teach us how to walk as Your workmanship.