Grace and Peace in Fullest Measure
Groundhog Spirit

The other night my husband and I watched a movie where a man kept waking up the same day. Perhaps you’ve seen a similar “groundhog day” movie. There are several, but this one impressed me because of the actor’s quick-moving lines and scenes. When it ended, I mentioned to Keith, “I don’t know how he kept up with all his lines.” He wisely replied, “I’m sure they only filmed one scene at a time.” “Of course! I was thinking of it being filmed in one setting.” Thinking about it, I realized how much better my days are if I take them one scene and day at a time which is what Jesus tells us to do in Matthew 6:34. “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.” If you’d like to start walking in peace one day at a time rather than have groundhog days of anxiety, get a copy of my study, “Grace and Peace.”
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Try This Seasoning

Reading the health benefits of seasonings, I began adding more of them to my recipes. Turmeric, ginger, and garlic – the list goes on and on. Interestingly, God has a recipe for the words we speak. Yes, a heavenly seasoning with proven benefits. What is it? Grace. Colossians 4:6 says,
Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt so that you will know how you should respond to each person.
Yes, the flavor of our food is improved with seasoning and the flavor of our relations is improved when we add grace to our words. The next time you say pass the salt, let it be a reminder to pass God’s grace to others. If you want to better understand God’s grace, get a copy of my study of 1 Peter – Grace and Peace.