He Who Is and Who Was
Jesus is Coming!

I love to gaze at the glory of the moon. The moon is something that exists. The moon was created by God in eternity past. The moon is set to rise in the night sky again tomorrow and in the nights ahead. It appears in different phases but it is still the same moon.
Why, then, would we doubt that Jesus is the Lord who was the self-existent creator in heaven and in our hearts, and who is to come? On December 25, we celebrate the Lord who came in the past in the appearance of a baby. But Revelation 1:4 says Christ is “He who is and who was,” He is the Lord “who is to come…” Think about it. Jesus is coming again!
Lord Jesus, WHO IS, WHO WAS, AND WHO IS TO COME, help us mindfully serve Your purposes until You return again!
Are you ready for Christ’s return? Would you like some resources to help you better understand the times in which we live and to shift your focus to His return and eternity? Check out End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do as well as Contend Earnestly for the Faith.