Held Together
“He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”
“I can’t hold it together another day!” I once heard someone say. What did they mean? Life was “falling apart.” Hopes, dreams, aspirations were not “falling into place.” Sometimes we say, “Hold on. It will get better.” But the fact is, sometimes one person’s definition of “better” isn’t another person’s. In the midst of the chaos of life, what can “hold us together?” I’ve found no one better or more faithful than Jesus. He has literally “held me together” when it seemed things were crumbling apart. Author and pastor Warren Wiersbe, in The Bible Expositon Commentary, tells the story of a guide who “took a group of people through an atomic laboratory…The tourists studied models of molecules and were amazed to learn that matter is made up primarily of space…One visitor asked, ‘If this is the way matter works, what holds it all together?’ For that, the guide had no answer.” Not only is Jesus the agent of creation and one for whom the world was created, He is also the one who holds it together. As Christ holds all things together, He holds you together. You are a wonderful creation of Christ – held together by Him.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in the midst of the chaos of life, You remind me that I’m not alone; and I don’t have to carry my responsibilities alone. At the center of each day is Christ – loving me and holding me and holding me together.
from If God is In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?