How to Live by the Divine Nature
Follow Your Head

Are you careful to read the words of the Bible in the context of the verse and chapter? Why is that important? If we take words out of context, the message can come across completely different than intended.
An example is in 1 Corinthians 11:1 where the apostle Paul tells believers to imitate him. If we stop short of the rest of the verse, Paul might come across as arrogant. However, Paul goes on to say, “Be imitators of me, just as I also am imitating Christ.”
Why should we imitate Christ? Paul answers that question in verse 3, explaining, “I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man,….”
Speaking metaphorically, Paul says Christ is our “head.” As a body without a head is dead, so we are dead apart from Christ. He is our life.
Another important emphasis of Christ being our head is that just as a head sits at the top of our body, over our body, Christ as our head is over us; supreme, master, Lord.
If we want to be a faithful imitator of Christ, our Head, we must learn and submit to Him and His ways. We must pray and follow His lead.
Can we say as Paul, that we are imitators of Christ, our Head? If not, let’s begin today.
Lord Jesus, HEAD OF EVERY MAN, convict us where we need to submit to Your headship. Fill us with Your Spirit so we bring glory to You.
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Follow Your Head

The word “but” is an important word and has significance. In 1 Corinthians 11:1, the apostle Paul encourages believers to imitate him. However he is quick to follow his statement in 1 Corinthians 11:3 saying, “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man,….” In other words, Paul explains that he only tells us to imitate him because he is imitating Christ, who is the HEAD OF EVERY MAN. Christ is the One we are to follow. Isn’t it wonderful that we have Christ as our HEAD and He shows us and tells us how to live? Now to Paul’s point, to what degree do we imitate Christ in our daily lives? I’m reminded of Peter’s words that we have the Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4) once we become Christians. Are we living by Christ’s Divine Nature? Are we known to those closest to us as being like Christ because we imitate Christ and follow His lead? Ephesians 5 begins, “Be imitators of God…” I just reread the chapter and recorded in my journal ways I want to be mindful of imitating Christ and following His headship. Here’s a snapshot. (Sorry about the poor handwriting. I had Prayers of My Heart on my lap.) What about you? Would you want to also open Ephesians 5 and make your own list of ways you might better follow Christ, your Head?
Lord Jesus, HEAD OF EVERY MAN, convict us of ways we need to better submit to Your headship and imitate You. Fill us with Your Spirit so we live by Your divine nature and bring glory to You.
Life Crashes

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Starring at the back of the airplane seat in front of me, I read the words, “Southwest 737 Safety Information.” A few inches below was another notice: “Literature Only.” The airline was clear. I was not to put my phone or anything else in the pocket that held their literature. They also wanted me to know and follow their safety information. I and others complied as you might expect. Everyone buckled their seat belt and put their bag under the seat or in the overhead bin. I couldn’t help but wonder why we comply with an airline company but often don’t comply with our Heavenly Father’s safety instructions. If you’ve had a few life crashes lately, study 2 Peter to Learn How to Live by Christ’s Divine Nature.
Take Hold of Your Miracle

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Have you ever seen God work miracles in people’s lives and wondered if it might be possible in yours? Why shouldn’t God work miracles in your life? The other person in whom Jesus works miracles is not holy in and of themselves, but through Christ. Our Savior came to seek and to save the lost, as Luke 19:10 states. Begin with the miracle of being forgiven of your sins by repenting and confessing Jesus as Lord. Continue walking with Him and experience the miracle of your eyes being opened as you pour over the Scriptures. Prayerfully begin each day humbly before the Heavenly Father and experience the miracle of the Holy Spirit filling you. Practice Christ’s teachings and experience the miracle of a transformed life. Miracles are all around us. Take hold of yours. My study, “How to Live by the Divine Nature” will show you how.
Satan Shoes

“Mom, did you hear about the satan shoes?” My daughter’s call was sincere and urgent. It seemed we should do something in response to the black-and-red, devil-themed sneakers, whose midsoles purported to contain a drop of human blood. But wait! Hasn’t God already done something about satan shoes? Yes, He has! Ephesians 6:15 tells us to put on our feet the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus and to carry that good news to others. Yes, Christ’s shoes of peace trump and trample any man or satan made shoes. The more we wear Christ’s shoes and tell others how they can have peace with God, the fewer will turn to satan shoes. Get refreshers on how to share Jesus with others “Meet Jesus.”
Listen to UpLIFT on Podbean and Apple I Tunes.
I’m Reviewing the Situation – Oliver

Are you familiar with the musical, “Oliver”? One of the lead actors is a real scoundrel. At one point he considers changing his life and sings, “I’m reviewing the situation. I’m a bad ‘un and a bad ‘un I shall stay! You’ll be seeing no transformation…” Unfortunately, many Christians have adopted his lyrics – you’ll be seeing no transformation rather than the words in 2 Corinthians 3:18 – that we be transformed into Christ’s likeness. If we’ve been living the lyrics, “You’ll be seeing no transformation,” isn’t it time we switch our tune and “review our situation”? Isn’t it time we learn to live by the transforming power of Christ? Get started today. My study of 2 Peter, “How to Live by the Divine Nature” will help you
LISTEN to UpLIFT Minute on Podbean or Apple I-Tunes.
Follow Your Head

The word “but” is an important word and has significance. In 1 Corinthians 11:1 the apostle Paul encourages believers to imitate him. However he is quick to follow his statement in 1 Corinthians 11:3 saying, “But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man,….” In other words, Paul explains that he only tells us to imitate him because he is imitating Christ, who is the HEAD OF EVERY MAN. Christ is the One we are to follow. Isn’t it wonderful we have Christ as our HEAD and He shows us and tells us how to live? Now to Paul’s point, to what degree do we imitate Christ in our daily lives? I’m reminded of Peter’s words that we have the Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4) once we become Christians. Are we living by Christ’s Divine Nature? Are we known to those closest to us as being like Christ because we imitate Christ and follow His lead? Ephesians 5 begins, “Be imitators of God…” I just reread the chapter and recorded in my journal ways I want to be mindful of imitating Christ and following His headship. Here’s a snapshot. (Sorry about the poor handwriting. I had Prayers of My Heart on my lap.) What about you? Would you want to also open Ephesians 5 and make your own list of ways you might better follow Christ, your Head?
Lord Jesus, HEAD OF EVERY MAN, convict us of ways we need to better submit to Your headship and imitate You. Fill us with Your Spirit so we live by Your divine nature and bring glory to You.
The Pew

I’d never looked at the pew before…really looked. However, a few days ago, I found myself studying an antique pew my husband and I’d bought years ago. I wondered if the craftsman had been a Christian who lovingly carved the pew or a hired hand who begrudgingly completed his day’s work? And, what about us? What is our story about our day’s work? Is it that we go about our day mindful of our calling by God? Or do we forget that Christ who saved us as Ephesians 2:10 tells us has placed us on earth to accomplish good works He’s prepared for us to do? To the degree we are mindful of our calling we are able to maintain a peaceful heart and persevering spirit. Learn “How to Live by the Divine Nature” of God so the story of your life will be one of a Christian who walked mindful of their upward calling.
Quarantine Bubbles

Did you read the article titled “The Quarantine Bubbles Are Coming?” The writer defined a quarantine bubble as a group of individuals or families whose members have been safely quarantining during the pandemic and who can therefore start hanging out with other quarantine bubble groups. While quarantine bubbles may be relevant, of more relevance is whether or not we are quarantined for heaven. Yes, people who have been cleansed of their sins and received Christ’s vaccination so they never die spiritually are quarantined for heaven. Have you accepted Christ’s invitation to be quarantined in heaven with other sin-free people? If so, get your copy of “How to Live by the Divine Nature.” Enjoy the fulness of all that is yours because you are quarantined in Christ.
Why It’s Important to Open Our Hands and Hearts
Do you ever feel anxious or uptight? Does mad or angry better describe you? Or sad and melancholy? What about “done with life”? Or, depleted? Whatever our condition, whatever our need, Philippians 4:19 tells us “God will SUPPLY all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Short on perseverance? Feel like you’re going to blow a fuse? Don’t know how you will ever smile again? Although we may have those feelings at times, it’s not our reality if we’re a Christian. God offers and will SUPPLY all our needs according to HIS RICHES in GLORY in CHRIST JESUS. Rather than hold tightly to anger or discouragement, open your hands and hearts to God. Ask Him to pour His SUPPLY of glorious riches in Christ Jesus…into you.
Learn how to do that in my daily devotional study, 2 Peter, “How to Live by the Divine Nature.” For yourself. For your zoom study.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for supplying all we need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus!