Isaiah 33:5-6
Stability in Troubling Times

Have you ever felt disturbed or shaken by circumstances in your life or the world around you? Maybe you were blindsided by the death of a loved one, a sudden job loss, or a diagnosis. Perhaps the everyday stressors and pressures of life, combined with what seems like dire conditions in the world, have left you feeling unsettled. Where can we turn in times of uncertainty and instability? We can look to the Lord.
Isaiah 33:5-6 says, “The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness. And He will be the stability of your times, A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the Lord is his treasure.”
At the time Isaiah spoke these words, God’s people were facing a serious threat from a treacherous nation and enemy who was bringing about unprovoked destruction. This threat and devastation caused God’s people to feel unstable and terrified. However, Isaiah declared that the Lord would be their stability. He would provide salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
Just as the Lord was the Israelites’ stability, He is also the stability of our times. He is the firm foundation on which we can stand in times of uncertainty, trouble, loss, and devastation. Being a Christian doesn’t mean we’re immune to trials and troubles in this life. Christ suffered while on earth. However, we can rest assured that if we look to God in obedience and reverence, He will stabilize us with His salvation, wisdom, and knowledge.
Lord, You are the STABILITY OF OUR TIMES. Thank You that I can look to You as my firm foundation when I feel shaken by my circumstances or the world around me. Help me fully trust You and walk in obedience to Your teachings.
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