ISAIAH 52:12
What’s Coming Up Behind You?

Have you ever been driving and keeping your eyes on the road before you when suddenly a car came up too fast behind you? If so, do you remember the startling feeling? Do you remember hoping the driver would slow down rather than rear-end you?
Often, we speak of the Lord leading us, but Isaiah 52:12 also speaks of the Lord as watching out for our backs: “…the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”
In this verse, God is referred to as a rear guard when the Israelites escaped Egyptian bondage. God is also our rear guard. He watches over us, leads us, and not until heaven will we know how many times He’s protected us from encroaching evil and danger. Just as it was important for Moses and the Israelites to pay attention to and follow God’s instructions, it’s important for us to pay attention and follow His instructions. How do His warnings and instructions come to us? Through the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s promptings. How well are we paying attention with a grateful heart?
Lord, thank You for being our REAR GUARD and for all the ways You watch over us and protect us. Help us be ever sensitive to Your promptings. We love You so much.
In addition to being our rear guard, the Lord is also our fortress. Debbie discusses this further in her blog post, “A Good Place to Be.” To read the full post, click HERE.
What’s Coming Up Behind You

Have you ever been driving and keeping your eyes on the road before you when suddenly a car came up too fast behind you? If so, do you remember the startling feeling? Do you remember hoping the driver would slow down rather than rear-end you? Often, we speak of the Lord leading us, but Isaiah 52:12 also speaks of the Lord as watching out for our back.
... the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD.
In this verse God is referred to as a rearguard when the Israelites escaped Egyptian bondage. God is also our rear guard. He watches over us, leads us, and not until heaven will we know how many times He’s protected us from encroaching evil and danger. Just as it was important for Moses and the Israelites to pay attention to and follow God’s instructions, it’s important for us to pay attention and follow His instructions. How do His warnings and instructions come to us? In the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s promptings. How well are we paying attention with a grateful heart?
Lord, thank You for being our REAR GUARD and for all the ways You watch over us and protect us. Help us be ever sensitive to Your promptings. We love You so much.
What’s Coming Up Behind You

Have you ever been driving and keeping your eyes on the road before you when suddenly a car came up too fast behind you? If so, you probably know the startling feeling and hope that the driver slows down rather than rear-end you. Often, we speak of the Lord leading us, but Isaiah 52:12 also speaks of Him as watching out for our backs. “… the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD.” In this verse, God is referred to as a rearguard when the Israelites escaped Egyptian bondage. God is also our rear guard. He watches over us, leads us, and not until heaven will we know how many times He’s protected us from encroaching danger and evil. Just as it was important for Moses and the Israelites to pay attention to and follow God’s instructions, it’s important for us to pay attention and follow His instructions. How do His warnings and instructions come to us? In the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s promptings.
Lord, thank You for being our REAR GUARD and for all the ways You watch over us and protect us. How comforting to know You’ve got our back.
What’s Coming Up Behind You

Have you ever been driving and keeping your eyes on the road before you when suddenly a car came up too fast behind you? If so, you probably know the startled feeling and hope that the driver slow down rather than rear end you. Often, we speak of the Lord leading us, but Isaiah 52:12 also speaks of Him as watching out for our backs. “… the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD.” In this verse, God is referred to as a rear guard to the Israelites when they escaped Egyptian bondage. God is also our rear guard. He watches over us, leads us, and not until heaven will we know how many times He’s protected us from encroaching danger and evil. Just as it was important for Moses and the Israelites to pay attention to and follow God’s instructions, it’s important for us to pay attention and follow His instructions. How do His warnings and instructions come to us? In the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s promptings.
Lord, thank You for being our REAR GUARD and for all the ways You watch over us and protect us. How comforting to know You’ve got our back.
It’s easy to forget how God “prompts” us. However, if we record His promptings and verses applicable to our life, we can reread and follow them. Recently, I was able to get a great deal on Prayers of My Heart prayer journal and want to pass HALF OFF savings to you – $7.50 instead of $14.99. It’s a perfect Christmas gift for teachers, friends, family, and your Bible study group so get one for yourself and those on your Christmas list WHILE AVAILABLE at this price.
Do You Wish You Had Eyes in the Back of Your Head?
Hill Country Ministries PRESENTS: 6 Week Online Study. JOIN HERE. JOIN NOW. FREE.
Have you ever wished you had eyes in the back of your head? I could have used eyes in the back of my head when our children were little. Eyes in the back of my head would be comforting at the airport when walking to my car at night after a speaking engagement. What do we mean by “eyes in the back of our head”? It speaks to our desire to be safe and to be able to sense what’s happening that we can’t see. How comforting to know that just as God was a rear guard to the Israelites when they escaped Egypt, and Isaiah 52:12 describes God as a rear guard to the Israelites in the new kingdom, Jesus is a rear guard to us today. He watches over us. We’ll not know until heaven how many ways and times He’s protected us from evil. The Lord is our rear guard. We can thank Him, and we can pay attention to His still quiet voice.
Lord, thank You for being our REAR GUARD and for all the ways You watch over us and protect us. How comforting to know You’ve got our back.
Record God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365.
“… the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD.” Isaiah 52:12
Praise to the Lord, My REAR GUARD
“… the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your REAR GUARD.”
Do you feel like every time you take a positive step forward, something else happens that you didn’t want or expect? Do you sometimes feel like you need eyes in the back of your head? Until we get to heaven we won’t know all the ways that God has and is protecting us. Not only does He go before us, God also describes Himself as a REAR GUARD to those who are moving forward in His will according to His commands. Keep moving forward, dear one. The Lord will go before you and be your REAR GUARD. All praise to Him!
Lord God, thank You for going before us and for being our REAR GUARD. All praise to You!
*Record God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365.
“… the Lord will go before you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”
Isaiah 52:12
Do you feel like every time you take a positive step forward, something else happens that you didn’t want or expect? Do you sometimes feel like you need eyes in the back of your head? Until we get to heaven we won’t know all the ways that God has and is protecting us. Not only does He go before us, God also describes Himself as a rear guard to those who are moving forward in His will according to His commands. Keep moving forward, dear one. The Lord will go before you and be your rear guard. All praise to Him!
Lord God, thank You for going before me and for being my REAR GUARD. All praise to You!
*Find additional verses, songs, & encouragement HERE. Record God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365.