John 14:3
Jesus Is Coming!

I love to gaze at the glory of the moon. Do you? When we do, we are looking at something God created that is. It exists today.
However the moon was created by God in eternity past.
The moon that was created in eternity past and exists today is also set to rise in the night sky tomorrow and in future nights. Although it appears in different phases, it is still the same moon.
If the moon is the same moon in the past, present, and future; why would anyone doubt that Jesus was, is, and is to come?
Yes, at Christmas we celebrate the Lord who came in the past in the appearance of a baby. Luke 2:7
At Easter we celebrate the Lord who rose from the grave. Matthew 28:6
Now, we watch for Christ who promised to come again. John 14:3
We can be assured, as Revelation 1:4 states, Jesus is, “He who is and who was, and who is to come…”
Think about it. Jesus is coming again! Are you ready to meet Him?
Lord Jesus, WHO IS, WHO WAS, AND WHO IS TO COME, I praise You and look with anticipation to Your return. Quicken me to faithfully serve You as I watch and wait.
Are you ready for Christ’s return? Would you like some resources to help you better understand the times in which we live and to shift your focus to His return and eternity? Check out End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do as well as Contend Earnestly for the Faith.