John 2:19-21
What Does It Mean to Be A Temple of God?

John 2:19-21 records a question the Jews asked Jesus as well as Christ’s response. Their question? “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included driving sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the money changers’ coins, overturning their tables, ordering them, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business,” and then as recorded in Matthew 21:13 chiding them, “My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you are making it a robbers’ den.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned “the house – the temple.” He called for others to account for their behavior regarding His temple, His house.
Jesus’ comment in John 2:19, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,” was not understood. The people thought Jesus was talking about the stone temple. Instead, He was talking about His body, the temple of God living among men. As Jesus foretold, He did raise His body three days after they destroyed it. Miraculous!
There are two points God is driving home to me regarding Jesus’ actions and words in relation to His temple. First, the stone temple from which Jesus drove out the money changers was not divine because of the rocks but because of God’s presence – it being a place of prayer. The stone temple no longer exists nor is Jesus tabernacling among us. Rather, since Christ’s resurrection, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 explains that God tabernacles among us through His indwelling Holy Spirit in each believer. Every Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit. A temple of prayer. A temple housing the glory of God. What does that mean for us? First, it makes me incredibly mindful that Jesus drove from the temple the things that were not supposed to be there. It means Jesus wants to purify us of anything that hinders God’s glory shining forth in us.
The second point is that since we are temples of the Holy Spirit and God’s temple is a place of prayer, then we are to be not only in a constant state of being purified, but also mindfully praying, seeking the will and heart of Christ, interceding for others, and listening for as well as obeying God’s voice. What a blessing!
What glory for us to be partakers of the divine nature and to be God’s temples! Are you mindful of the blessing? Are you sensitive to what Christ is driving out of you? Are you becoming increasingly prayerful? That is your blessing.
Lord Jesus, You are the divine TEMPLE of the Most High. You have appointed us as temples in whom You dwell through the Holy Spirit, tabernacling among our families, friends, neighbors, and world. Increase our awareness of Your presence and the glorious position You have given us. Drive out anything that keeps Your glory from shining and from prayer flowing between us.
Debbie talked about Jesus driving out the money changers from the temple in her teaching on John 2. Listen to her teaching on the subject HERE.
What Does It Mean to Be A Temple of God

John 2:19-21 records a question the Jews asked Jesus as well as Christ’s response. Their question? “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included driving sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the money changers’ coins, overturning their tables, ordering them, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business,” and then as recorded in Matthew 21:13 chiding them, “My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you are making it a robbers’ den.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned “the house – the temple.” He called for others to account for their behavior regarding His temple, His house.
Jesus’s comment in John 2:19, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,” was not understood. The people thought Jesus was talking about the stone temple. Instead, He was talking about His body, the temple of God living among men. As Jesus foretold, He did raise His body three days after they destroyed it. Miraculous!
There are two points God is driving home to me in regard to Jesus’s actions and words regarding His temple.
First, the stone temple from which Jesus drove out the money changers was not divine because of the rocks but because of the presence of God – it being a place of prayer. The stone temple no longer exists nor is Jesus tabernacling among us. Rather, since Christ’s resurrection, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 explains that God tabernacles among us through His indwelling Holy Spirit in each believer. Every Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit. A temple of prayer. A temple housing the glory of God. It is beyond our comprehension and amazing. Say it out loud, “The glory of God is in me.”
What does that mean for us? First, it makes me incredibly mindful that Jesus drove from the temple the things that were not supposed to be there. For me, that means Jesus wants to purify me of anything that hinders God’s glory shining forth in me. Second, since I am a temple of the Holy Spirit and God’s temple is a place of prayer, then I am to be not only in a constant state of being purified but I am also to be mindfully praying, seeking the will and heart of Christ, interceding for others, listening for and obeying God’s voice. What a blessing! What glory for us to be partakers of the divine nature and to be God’s temples! Are you mindful of the blessing? Are you sensitive to what Christ is driving out of you? Are you becoming increasingly prayerful? That is your blessing.
Lord Jesus, You are the divine temple of the Most High. You have appointed us as temples in whom You dwell through the Holy Spirit, tabernacling among our families, friends, neighbors, and world. Increase our awareness of Your presence and the glorious position You have given us. Drive out anything that keeps Your glory from shining and from prayer flowing between us.
Could you use some encouragement about Christ’s tender mercy and provision for you? If so, you’ll find it in my study, If God is In Control, Why…..
Are You Ready for Jesus’s Answer

John 2:19-21 records a question the Jews asked Jesus and His response. Their question? “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included driving the sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the money changers’ coins, overturning their tables, and ordering them, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned the TEMPLE. Jesus’s replied, “Destroy the TEMPLE and I’ll rebuild it in three days.” Jesus wasn’t talking about the stone temple, however. He was talking about His body, the temple of His Holy Spirit. As Jesus foretold, He raised His body three days after they destroyed it. Miraculous, yes. But a point God is driving home to me concerns Jesus’s actions and words regarding His temple. He drove out all that wasn’t supposed to be in it. Certainly, He must feel the same about our body, His TEMPLE, in whom His Spirit dwells and the collective body of Christians, His TEMPLE. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) What in us individually and what in the church body, both His, would He drive out? As an individual Christian, I must examine myself with the full understanding that God’s goal is to perfect me and conform me to the image of Christ. As the body of Christ we must examine ourselves with the full understanding that we are to be distinct from the world, marked by Christ’s love and light.
Lord Jesus, TEMPLE of the Most High, thank You for coming from heaven and tabernacling in us. Drive out all that is in us that dishonors You so we are a beacon to the unsaved and a fellowship for the saved.
Could you use some encouragement about Christ’s tender mercy and provision for you? If so, you’ll find it in my study, If God is In Control, Why…..
Are You Ready for Jesus’s Answer

John 2:19-21 records a a question the Jews asked Jesus and His response. Their question? “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included driving the sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the money changers’ coins, overturning their tables, and ordering them, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned the TEMPLE. Jesus’s replied, “Destroy the TEMPLE and I’ll rebuild it in three days.” Jesus wasn’t talking about the stone temple, however. He was talking about His body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus foretold, He raised His body three days after they destroyed it. Miraculous, yes. But a point God is driving home to me concerns Jesus’s actions and words regarding His temple. He drove out all that wasn’t supposed to be in it. Certainly, He must feel the same about our bodies, His TEMPLES, in whom His Spirit dwells. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Lord Jesus, TEMPLE of the Most High, thank You for coming from heaven and tabernacling in us. Drive out all that is in us that dishonors You.
Do you need encouragement that Jesus cares about you and your body? If so, you’ll find His tender mercy in these 6 short, meaningful chapters.
Are You Ready for Jesus’s Answer
John 2:19-21 records a a question the Jews asked Jesus and His response. Their question? “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included driving the sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the money changers’ coins, overturning their tables, and ordering them, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned the TEMPLE. Jesus’s replied, “Destroy the TEMPLE and I’ll rebuild it in three days.” Jesus wasn’t talking about the stone temple, however. He was talking about His body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus foretold, He raised His body three days after they destroyed it. Miraculous, yes. But a point God is driving home to me are Jesus’s actions and words regarding His temple. He drove out all that wasn’t supposed to be there. Certainly, He must feel the same about our bodies, His TEMPLES, in whom His Spirit dwells. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Lord Jesus, TEMPLE of the Most High, thank You for coming from heaven and tabernacling in us. Drive out all in us that is dishonoring to You.
Do you need encouragement that Jesus cares about you and your body? If so, you’ll find His tender mercy in these 6 short, meaningful chapters.
Praise to Christ, the TEMPLE of God
“Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’ The Jews then said, ‘It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?’ But He was speaking of the TEMPLE of HIS BODY.”
The question the Jews had asked Jesus was, “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included making a scourge of cords and driving the sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the coins of the money changers and overturning their tables; and saying to those selling doves, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned the TEMPLE, and the Jews asked for a sign of His authority. “I’ll give you a sign,” Jesus said in so many words. “Destroy the TEMPLE and I’ll rebuild it in three days.” But, ahh, He wasn’t talking about the building. He was talking about His body; which they did destroy, and He raised in three days. Miraculous, yes. But the point God is driving home to me is the action Jesus took in the TEMPLE. He drove out all that wasn’t supposed to be there. Certainly, He feels the same about our bodies – His TEMPLE – in whom His Spirit dwells.
Lord Jesus Christ, TEMPLE of the Most High, thank You for coming from heaven and tabernacling in us. Help us honor Your presence.
Do you need encouragement that Jesus cares about you and your body? If so, you’ll find His tender mercy in these 6 short, meaningful chapters.
We’re nearing the completion of our year of 365 DAYS of Praise!
Many have asked if 365 DAYS of Praise will be available in a book. The answer is YES! You can have your own keepsake of 365 descriptions of God on which to reflect and use for future study or share with others.
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“Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’ The Jews then said, ‘It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?’ But He was speaking of the temple of His body.”
John 2:19-21
The question the Jews had asked Jesus was, “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included making a scourge of cords and driving the sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the coins of the money changers and overturning their tables; and saying to those selling doves, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned the temple and the Jews asked for a sign of His authority. “I’ll give you a sign,” Jesus said in so many words. Destroy the temple and I’ll rebuild it in three days. But, ahh, He wasn’t talking about the building. He was talking about His body; which they did destroy, and He raised in three days. Miraculous, yes. But the point God is driving home to me is the action Jesus took in the temple. He drove out all that wasn’t supposed to be there. Certainly, He feels the same about my body – His temple – in whom His Spirit dwells.
Lord Jesus Christ, TEMPLE of the Most High, thank You for coming from heaven and tabernacling among man. Please drive out of my body all that is displeasing to You so that I honor You.