John 7:37-39
Are You Spiritually Dry
Have you ever tried to get something to work to no avail? Recently, I experienced that while trying to get an old Palm Printer to work. I did various things to get it to print and finally decided the roller must be out of ink. However, when I took it out to replace it, I noticed ink all over my fingers. The problem wasn’t a lack of ink. The problem was it was dry due to lack of use. You know, sometimes we can become spiritually dry due to a lack of reading our Bible and praying. What can we do if that happens? We can go to Christ who describes His Spirit in John 7:37-39 as living water that flows in believers. If you’re a Christian, but feel spiritually dry, go to Jesus. Repent of sin that may be blocking the flow of Christ’s Spirit in you. Ask Jesus to fill you with His Spirit. Pour over the words of the Bible and let them pour through you.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the flow of Your Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Fill us with a fresh supply of Your presence so when we’re squeezed, You come out.