Beware the Pit of Nothingness

Do you ever feel “blah,” that nothing in life is important or worth doing? Or, perhaps you are “dragging around” because of the weight of unconfessed sin, or not spending time with Christ, or perhaps a sin of commission, not doing that to which He has called you.
If any of those are the case, be encouraged. God has not forgotten you or abandoned you. Rather, His eye on you as Psalm 121:3-4 explains. “He who KEEPS you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither slumber or sleep.”
The Lord is our keeper, and as Isaiah 38:17 tells us, the Lord casts our sins behind His back and keeps us from a pit of nothingness. “It is You who have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back.”
Isn’t it nice, no…more like wonderful, to think about our Heavenly Father keeping us, casting our sins behind His back, and keeping us from a pit of nothingness?
In addition Psalm 121:5-7 explains, “The Lord is your keeper… The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.”
We have a keeper of our soul who watches out for us. There is no one better to whom we can we entrust ourselves.
I’m jumping up and down in my spirit over how glorious our Soul Keeper is. Are you?
The more we draw near to Christ, learn His ways, and are filled with His Spirit, the more heavenly joy we’ll experience. The less we’ll walk in sin and experience the “pit of nothingness.”
Heavenly Father, KEEPER OF OUR SOUL, we praise You for keeping us from evil and from the pit of nothingness. We love You!
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Beware the Pit of Nothingness

I need a keeper. Someone to watch out for me and over me. Why? Because it is easy to crash into a pit of nothingness. The good news is, as believers, we do have a Keeper. Psalm 121:5-7 assures us,
The Lord is your keeper… The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.
Isn’t it nice, no…more like wonderful, to think about our Heavenly Father being our Keeper? In other words, He isn’t snoozing on the clouds. Psalm 121:3-4 tells us,
He who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither slumber or sleep.
Our Soul Keeper is alert and watching out for us. Of anyone to whom we can entrust our soul, who more wonderful than our Heavenly Father? Here’s something else that’s wonderful to think about. Isaiah 38:17 tells us,
It is You who have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back.
Isn’t that a marvelous visual? God casts all our sins behind Him and keeps our souls from the pit of nothingness. I’m jumping up and down in my spirit over that one. The more time we spend with Christ and learning His ways, the more filled we are, and the more we experience the opposite of the pit of nothingness. We experience heavenly joy and fulfillment that comes from intimacy with Christ. Will bad things ever happen? Yes because we live in a sinful world. But we aren’t destined for a pit of nothingness. We’re destined for the throne.
Heavenly Father, Soul Keeper, we praise You for keeping us from evil and keeping us from the pit of nothingness. We love You!
Beware the Pit of Nothingness

I need a keeper. Someone to watch out for me and over me. Why? Because sometimes I don’t know the right path to take. Sometimes I start to let my emotions crash like waves into a pit of nothingness. I need a keeper with a capital K. And, you know what? I have One and so do you if you’re a Christian. Psalm 121:5-7 states, “The Lord is your keeper… The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.” Isn’t it nice, no…more like wonderful, to think about our Heavenly Father being our Keeper? And, He isn’t snoozing on the clouds. Psalm 121:3-4 says, “He who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither slumber or sleep.” In other words, our Soul Keeper is alert and watching out for us. So, of all the people in the world to whom we can entrust our soul, who more wonderful than our Heavenly Father? Here’s something else that’s wonderful to think about. Isaiah wrote, “It is You who have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back.” (Isaiah 38:17) Isn’t that a marvelous visual? God casts all our sins behind Him and keeps our souls from the pit of nothingness. I’m jumping up and down in my spirit over that one. The more time we spend with Christ and learning His ways, the more filled we are, and the more we experience the opposite of the pit of nothingness. We experience heavenly joy and fulfillment that comes from intimacy with Christ. Will bad things ever happen? Yes, because we live in a sinful world. But we aren’t destined for a pit of nothingness. We’re destined for the throne.
Heavenly Father, Soul Keeper, we praise You for protecting us from evil and from the pit of nothingness. Thank You, Lord!
Beware the Pit of Nothingness

I need a keeper. Someone to watch out for me and over me. Why? Because sometimes I don’t know the right path to take. Sometimes I start to let my emotions crash like the waves into a pit of nothingness. I need a keeper with a capital K. And, you know what? I have One and so do you if you’re a Christian. Psalm 121:5-7 states, “The Lord is your keeper… The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.” Isn’t it nice, no…more like wonderful, to think on the fact that our Heavenly Father is our Keeper? And, He isn’t snoozing on the clouds. Psalm 121:3-4 says, “He who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither slumber or sleep.” In other words, our Soul Keeper is alert and watching out for us. So, of all the people in the world to whom you could entrust your soul, who more wonderful than our Heavenly Father? Here’s something else that’s wonderful to think about. Isaiah wrote, “It is You who have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back.” (Isaiah 38:17) Isn’t that a marvelous visual? God casts all our sins behind Him and keeps our souls from the pit of nothingness. I’m jumping up and down in my spirit over that one. The more time we spend with Christ and learning His ways, the more filled we are and the more we experience the opposite of the pit of nothingness. We experience heavenly joy and fulfillment that only comes from intimacy with Christ. Will bad things ever happen? Yes, because we live in a sinful world. But we aren’t destined for a pit of nothingness. We’re destined for the throne.
Heavenly Father, Soul Keeper, we praise You for protecting us from evil and the pit of nothingness. Thank You, Lord.
Praise to the KEEPER of Our Soul

“The Lord is your keeper…
The Lord will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.”
I need a keeper. Someone to watch out for me and over me. Why? Because sometimes I don’t know the right path to take. Sometimes I start to let my emotions run around like a cat let out of a bag. I need a keeper with a capital K. And, you know what? I have One and so do you if you’re a Christian.
Isn’t it nice, no…more like wonderful, to think on the fact that we have a Keeper? And, our Heavenly Keeper isn’t dozing on a puffy cloud. Psalm 121:3-4 says, “He who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel (and we’re grafted into Israel) will neither slumber or sleep.” In other words, our Soul Keeper is alert and watching out for us; guarding, preserving, and protecting us. So, of all the people in the world to whom you could entrust your soul, who more wonderful than our Heavenly Father?
And, here’s something to think about. Isaiah wrote, “It is You who have kept my soul from the pit of nothingness, for You have cast all my sins behind Your back.”* Isn’t that a marvelous visual? God casts all our sins behind Him and keeps our souls from the pit of nothingness. I’m jumping up and down in my spirit over that one. The more time we spend with Him learning His ways, the more filled we are; guarded and protected from the pit of nothingness.
Will we ever have bad things happen? Yes, because we live in a sinful world. But we aren’t destined today or for eternity to a pit of nothingness. And, even on our worst day, we have no idea what evil our Father has kept from us. So, today and every day, we can have gratitude to our Heaven Father for keeping our souls.
Heavenly Father, Soul Keeper, we praise You for protecting us from eternal evil and the pit of nothingness. Thank You, Lord.
*Isaiah 38:17
“The Lord is your keeper…
The Lord will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.”
Psalm 121:5,7
Keep: guard, preserve, protect. To whom can you entrust your soul? Day in, day out, and ultimately, who do you want preserving and protecting you from evil and from “the pit of nothingness” (Isaiah 38:17)? “God” is the answer most give. Yet, do we actually walk in the confident awareness that we’re not walking alone; that God is our keeper? God guards, preserves, and protect us in ways we can’t see. We may have had a horrible day and felt we were in a “pit.” Yet, we have no idea what evil never touched us or our loved ones because God was guarding us. We have no concept of the eternal pit from which God keeps us. Today is a good day to look heavenward in praise of the Keeper our our soul.
Lord, I praise You for being the KEEPER of my soul, for protecting me from all evil, and for keeping my soul from the pit of nothingness.
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