King of the Jews
One Day Everyone Will Bow Before the King of the Jews

What do you think about Jesus, the King of the Jews? To say that He is a controversial figure and has been throughout history is an understatement.
For instance, Matthew 2:1-2 records that magi traveled a great distance to worship Jesus following His birth. They asked, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
Yet Jesus’ birth caused King Herod to become troubled and then enraged to the point he slew all the male children in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under in an attempt to kill Jesus.
The controversy about Jesus did not end.The Pharisees and Sadducees, threatened by Jesus’s popularity, delivered Him to the Romans who sentenced Him to death on the cross.
Today, anti-semitism, prejudice against or hatred of Jews, is at an all time high, the likes of which have not existed since the Holocaust. What effect and impact does that have on people’s worship of the King of the Jews, Jesus?
Where do you stand in relation to Jesus, the King of the Jews? Do you worship Him as the magi? Or, are you troubled by Him as Herod? Or, are you threatened by Jesus as were the religious leaders of His day?
One day all people will bow before Jesus, King of the Jews. Are you bowing before Him now?
Lord Jesus, KING OF THE JEWS, wise men bow before You. We pray to be increasingly wise and worshipful. Reign in our lives in such a way that others see You and want to worship You.
Jesus, King of the Jews, is worthy of all our praise. Debbie touches on the importance of praise in her book, “Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion.” Get a copy HERE.
One Day Everyone Will Bow Before Jesus

The wise men worshipped Jesus. The Jews and Romans whipped Jesus.
The wise men gave Jesus gifts. The Jews and Romans gave Jesus the cross.
The wise men celebrated Jesus’s birth. The Jews and Romans celebrated Jesus’s death.
Not all kings are recognized as kings. Such was the case with Jesus when He walked on earth. Such is still the case with those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior. But one day all people will bow before the KING OF THE JEWS.
Where is He who has been born KING of the JEWS? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2
Lord Jesus, KING OF THE JEWS and our King, we bow before You in praise and worship You. Reign in our lives in such a way that others see Your influence in us.
One Day Everyone Will Bow Before Jesus

The wise men worshipped Jesus. The Jews and Romans whipped Jesus.
The wise men gave Jesus gifts. The Jews and Romans gave Jesus the cross.
The wise men celebrated Jesus’s birth. The Jews and Romans celebrated Jesus’s death.
Not all kings are recognized as kings. Such was the case with the Jesus when He walked on earth. Such is still the case with those who refuse to acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior. But one day all people will bow before the KING OF THE JEWS.
Where is He who has been born KING of the JEWS? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2
Lord Jesus, KING OF THE JEWS and our King, we bow before You in praise and worship You. Reign in our lives in such a way that others see Your influence in us.
Praise to the KING of the JEWS
“‘Where is He who has been born KING of the JEWS ?
For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’”
If the only way you could save your child was to let him kill you, would you? The LORD Jesus loved mankind that much. What is your response to Christ’s sacrificial love; because we will either love or hate Him.
The wise men worshipped Jesus. The Jews and Romans whipped Jesus.
The wise men gave Jesus gifts. The Jews and Romans gave Jesus lashes.
The wise men celebrated Jesus’s birth. The Jews and Romans celebrated Jesus’s death.
Not all kings are recognized as kings. Such was the case with the Lord Jesus when He walked on earth. Such is still the case with those who refuse to acknowledge His Lordship. But one day, all people will bow before the KING OF THE JEWS.
Lord Jesus, KING OF THE JEWS and our King, we worship You. Reign in our lives.
“‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?
For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’”
Matthew 2:2
Not all kings who are kings are recognized as kings. Such was the case with the Lord Jesus Christ when He walked the earth. Such is the case today. But one day, all peopel will bow in the presence of the King of the Jews. If we are one day going to worship Him, why not begin today?
Lord Jesus, KING OF THE JEWS, and my King, I worship and adore You. Thank You for reigning in my life.
© Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.