Lord of Peace
Are You Tired of People Telling You “Chin Up”?

Do you ever get perturbed when someone tells you, “Chin up! Everything will get better.” I get it. People may be well-intentioned, but the fact is, things may not get better. We may not be able to keep our marriage together. Our child may have special needs for the rest of their life. Our job may be tough. A person may refuse to forgive us. That’s why 2 Thessalonians 3:16 tells us to find our peace in Jesus, the Lord of peace.
“Now may the Lord of Peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Is it easy? No. But, it’s real. I experienced it when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I experienced it when my parents were dying. In John 14:27, Jesus describes His peace as “out of this world.” In other words, it comes from heaven into our hearts so we can go through our day with inner peace. Changing the position of our chin doesn’t change anything. Opening our hearts to the Prince of Peace changes everything.
Thank You, PRINCE OF PEACE, that You supersede circumstances. Fill us with Your peace that is not of this world.
Would you like more grace and peace in your life? Peace with God? Peace with others? Watch Debbie’s teaching on 1 Peter 1 HERE or listen to it HERE.
What We Learn From a Wheat Beater

Peace. Everyone’s looking for it. Where? Drugs. Vacation. Sex. Entertainment. In the meantime, and while seeking peace, life goes on. Worriers worry. Whiners whine. Complainers complain. Wheat beaters beat wheat. And that’s where we find Gideon. He is beating wheat in a winepress in order to hide it from the Midianties.
Judges 6 is the incredible account of when the Lord came to Gideon and told him to tear down the altar of Baal and cut down the Asherah in order to restore worship of the Lord. He then commissioned Gideon to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Midianites.
Judges 6:24 records Gideon’s response to the Lord. “Then Gideon built an altar there to the Lord and named it The LORD is Peace.”
Jehovah-Shalom, the LORD of Peace, came to a nation threatened by enemies and to people who worshipped Baal.
Jehovah-Shalom not only came to Gideon, but His Spirit of peace and power came upon Gideon.
Isn’t that what we need? God’s peace and power?
What can we learn from Jehovah-Shalom and Gideon about personal and national peace?
- Worship the Lord of Peace, Jehovah-Shalom.
- Be filled with the Lord’s Spirit of peace and power.
- Fight valiantly for righteousness.
JEHOVAH SHALOM, LORD OF PEACE, thank You that by Your Spirit we can experience peace and power as we stand for righteousness as Gideon did.
Would you like to experience more grace and peace? Check out Debbie’s Bible study, “Experiencing Grace and Peace in Cultural Chaos” by clicking HERE. You can also access the free accompanying videos and podcasts by clicking HERE.
Today, we remember with deep gratitude those who gave their lives in service to our country, as well as their families.
Are You Tired of People Telling You “Chin Up”

Do you ever get perturbed when someone tells you “Chin up! Everything will get better.” I get it. People may be well-intentioned, but the fact is, things may not get better. We may not be able to keep our marriage together. Our child may have special needs for the rest of their life. Our job may be tough. A person may refuse to forgive us. That’s why 2 Thessalonians 3:16 tells us to find our peace in Jesus, the Lord of peace. Is it easy? No. But, it’s real. I experienced it when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I experienced it when my parents were dying. In John 14:27, Jesus describes His peace as “out of this world.” In other words, it comes from heaven into our hearts so we can go through our day with inner peace. Changing the position of our chin doesn’t change anything. Opening our hearts to the Prince of Peace changes everything.
Thank You, Prince of PEACE, that You supersede circumstances. Fill us with Your peace that is not of this world.
“Now may the LORD of PEACE Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16
When You’re Tired of People Telling You “Chin Up”

Do you ever get perturbed when someone tells you “chin up,” that everything will get better? I get it. People may be well intentioned, but the fact is, things may not get better. We may not be able to keep our marriage together. Our child may have special needs the rest of their life. Our job may be tough. A person may refuse to forgive us. That’s why 2 Thessalonians 3:16 tells us to find our peace in Jesus, the Lord of peace. Is it easy? No. But, it’s real. I experienced it when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I experienced it when my parents were dying. In John 14:27, Jesus describes His peace as “out of this world.” In other words, it comes from heaven into our hearts so we can go through our day with inner peace. Moving the direction of our chin doesn’t change anything. Opening our heart and asking the Prince of Peace to fill it changes everything.
Thank You, Prince of PEACE, that You supercede circumstances. Fill us with Your peace.
“Now may the LORD of PEACE Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.”
When You’re Tired of People Telling You “Chin Up”

Do you ever get perturbed when someone tells you “chin up,” that everything will get better? I get it. People may be well intentioned, but the fact is, things may not get better. We may not be able to keep our marriage together. Our child may have special needs the rest of their life. Our job may be tough. A person may refuse to forgive us. That’s why 2 Thessalonians 3:16 tells us to find our peace in Jesus, the Lord of peace. Is it easy? No. But, it’s real. I experienced it when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I experienced it when my parents were dying. In John 14:27, Jesus describes His peace as “out of this world.” In other words, it comes from heaven into our hearts so we can go through our day with inner peace. Moving the direction of our chin doesn’t change anything. Opening our heart and asking the Prince of Peace to fill it changes everything.
Thank You, Prince of PEACE, that You supercede circumstances. Fill us with Your peace.
“Now may the LORD of PEACE Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.”