Who Are You Waving Your Hand For?

We like our freedom, right? We may have heard someone tout, “No one is going to tell me what to do!” Maybe we’ve said that. But, here’s some news that may shock you. God has the right to tell us what to do because He owns us. That’s right. He is our Master as Colossians 4:1 explains: “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven,” Yes, we have a Master. Does that please you or cause your hair to bristle? What is the implication of you having a Master?
The word, “Master” in Colossians 4:1 means “owner; one who has control of the person.” Maybe we’ve never thought about God owning us, but it isn’t a one-time teaching in the Bible. First Corinthians 6:20 explains we’ve been “bought with a price.” Romans 6:16 says we are slaves to sin or righteousness. Who do you prefer to be your master: satan or Jesus? I bet you’re waving your hand for Jesus.
Let’s think further. Since Jesus is our Master, what should be our posture before Him? I wonder if we’re too flippant about our relationship with Him. I wonder if when we get to heaven and see Jesus in His glory if we’ll wish we had bowed before Him every morning and asked how we might serve Him. We have a Master in heaven. He’s a glorious, giving, gracious Master. Let’s serve Him well today with a smile on our face.
Heavenly MASTER, we worship and adore You and cannot wait to continue our worship of You in heaven. Remind us throughout our day to serve You well.
Stay connected with Debbie beyond the blog! Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Who Are You Waving Your Hand For?

We like our freedom, right? We may have heard someone tout, “No one is going to tell me what to do!” Maybe we’ve said that. But, here’s some news that may shock you. God has the right to tell us what to do because He owns us. That’s right. He is our MASTER as Colossians 4:1 explains: “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a MASTER in heaven,” Yes, we have a MASTER. Does that please you or cause your hair to bristle? What is the implication of you having a master? The word, “master” in Colossians 4:1 means “owner; one who has control of the person.” Maybe we’ve never thought about God owning us, but it isn’t a one-time teaching in the Bible. First Corinthians 6:10 explains we’ve been “bought with a price.” Romans 6:16 says we are slaves to sin or righteousness. Who do you prefer to be your master: satan or Jesus? I bet you’re waving your hand for Jesus.
Let’s think further. Since Jesus is our Master, what should be our posture before Him? I wonder if we’re too flippant about our relationship with Him. I wonder if when we get to heaven and see Jesus in His glory if we’ll wish we had bowed before Him every morning and asked how we might serve Him. We have a MASTER in heaven. He’s a glorious, giving, gracious Master. Let’s serve Him well today with a smile on our face.
Heavenly Master, we worship and adore You and cannot wait to continue our worship of You in heaven. Remind us throughout our day to serve You well.
Who Are You Waving Your Hand For?

We like our freedom, right? We may have heard someone tout, “No one is going to tell me what to do!” Maybe we’ve said that. But, here’s some news that may shock you. God has the right to tell us what to do because He owns us. That’s right. He is our MASTER as Colossians 4:1 explains: “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a MASTER in heaven,” Yes, we have a MASTER. Does that please you or cause your hair to bristle? What is the implication of us having a master? The word, “master” in Colossians 4:1 means “owner; one who has control of the person.” Maybe we’ve never thought about God “owning” us, but, it isn’t a one time teaching in the Bible. First Corinthians 6:10 explains we’ve been “bought with a price.” Romans 6:16 says we are slaves to sin or righteousness. Who do you prefer to be your master: satan or Jesus? I bet you’re waving your hand for Jesus.
Let’s think further. If Jesus is our Master, then what should be our posture before Him? I wonder if sometimes we’re too flippant. I wonder if we’ll “about die” (if it were possible) when we’re in heaven and see Jesus in His glory? I wonder if we’ll wish we had bowed before Him every morning and asked how we might serve Him. We have a MASTER in heaven. He’s a glorious, giving, gracious Master. Let’s serve Him well today with a smile on our faces.
Heavenly Master, we worship and adore You and cannot wait to continue our worship of You in heaven. Remind us throughout our days to serve You well.
Who Are You Waving Your Hand For?

We like our freedom, right? We often hear someone say, “Nobody’s going to tell me what to do!” Maybe we’ve said those exact words. But, here’s some news that may shock you. God owns us, and He is our MASTER. Why would I say that? Because it’s true if we’re a believer. Paul explains: “Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a MASTER in heaven,” Colossians 4:1. Yes! We have a MASTER in Heaven! Whoo Hoo! Does that make you happy or cause you to bristle? What does it mean that we have a “master”? The word, “master” in Colossians 4:1 means “the owner; one who has control of the person.” Maybe we’ve never thought about God “owning” us, but, it isn’t a one time teaching in the Bible. First Corinthians 6:10 explains we’ve been “bought with a price.” Romans 6:16 addresses how we are slaves to the one to whom we present ourselves – sin or righteousness. Who would we prefer for our master? Satan or our Heavenly Father? I bet you’re waving your hand for God.
Let’s think further. If God is our Master, then what should be our posture before Him? I wonder if sometimes we’re too flippant? I wonder if we’ll “about die” (if it were possible) when we’re in heaven and see His glory? I wonder if we’ll wish we had bowed before Him every morning and asked how we might serve Him. We have a MASTER in heaven. He’s a glorious, giving, gracious Master. Let’s serve Him well; with a smile on our face.
Heavenly Master, we worship and adore You and cannot wait to worship You in heaven. Let us serve You well on earth while we await our service to You in heaven.
Praise to Our MASTER

“Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a MASTER in heaven.”
We like our freedom, right? We often hear someone say, “Nobody’s going to tell me what to do!” Maybe we’ve said those exact words. But, here’s some news that may shock you. God owns us, and He is our MASTER. Does that send chills down your spine? Does it not set well with you? Or, do you breathe more easily knowing God owns you?
“Master”in Colossians 4:1 means “the owner; one who has control of the person.” Maybe we’ve never thought about God in the sense of “owning” us. But, certainly we’re familiar with verses that address how God bought us off the slave market with Christ’s precious blood. So if we’re bought, we’re owned. And who would we rather be our master? Satan or God?
Let’s think further. If God is our Master, then what should be our posture before Him? I wonder if sometimes we’re too flippant? I wonder if we’ll “about die” (if it were possible) when we’re in heaven and see His glory? I wonder if we’ll wish we had bowed face down before Him every morning and asked how we might serve Him each day.
We have a MASTER in heaven. He’s a glorious, giving, loving Master.
Heavenly Master, we worship and adore You and cannot wait to worship You in heaven. Let us serve You well on earth while we await our service in heaven to You.