Mathew 11:29
Learn This from Jesus

Are you ever prideful or critical of others? Humility is a godly trait and one we see in our Lord. Jesus was HUMBLE as Matthew 11:29 explains, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jesus explained that His humility flowed from His heart. It is the essence of who Jesus is. That’s what we need. Not an attempt at humility, but to truly regard others as more important than ourselves. Jesus said we are to learn from Him. If we’re not HUMBLE, a good first step is to ask Him to fill us with His HUMBLE Spirit.
Lord, You who have every right to be prideful chose to serve us and even HUMBLE yourself to the point of death on our behalf. We praise You, most HUMBLE Lord Jesus, and pray to be more like You.
Could You Use Some Gentleness

When you think of Jesus, do you think of Him as gentle? In Matthew 11:29, it’s one of the ways He describes Himself. “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”” What does Christ mean when He says He is gentle or meek, another word for gentle? It is often defined as “power under control.” Although I don’t fully understand this great combination of attributes, I see them in my husband. Keith has great strength of character; yet he stoops down to pick a tiny flower amidst a field of grass in order to gently hand it to me on our walks. So Christ, while holding infinite power, offers us His gentle, humble heart where we find rest for our souls. He invites us to walk closely with Him and learn from Him.
Lord Jesus, You are both strong and GENTLE! We praise You!
Praise to Our Humble Lord

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29).
Do you ever find yourself being prideful or critical of others? Humility is a godly trait and one we see evidenced in our Lord. Jesus was humble. He explained that His humility flowed from His heart. In other words, from the essence of who He is. That’s what we need. Not an attempt at humility, but rather to truly regard others as more important than ourselves. Jesus said we are to learn from Him. If we’re not humble, we can begin by turning to Him and asking Him to fill us with His humble Spirit.
*A special note to mothers on Mother’s Day. You’re so giving and humble in your service to your family and others. Maybe they don’t notice. They don’t see all the work you do before they wake up and after they go to bed. They have no idea how many prayers you pray for them. But, our Humble Lord sees every item you wash, every dish you load, every meal you shop for and cook, every lunch you pack, every hour you hold your sick child in your arms when your body is screaming for sleep. You’re in good company, moms, with our Humble Lord. So, I pray God’s blessings on you – that you find your self-worth, confidence, rest, and joy in Him.
Lord, You who have every right to be prideful chose to serve us and even HUMBLE yourself to the point of death. We praise You, most HUMBLE, gracious Lord Jesus, and pray to be more like You.
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.””
When you think of Jesus, do you think of Him as gentle? It is one of the ways He describes Him. What does Christ mean when He says He is gentle? Another word is meek. It’s often explained as “power under control.” Although I can’t fully understand this great combination of attributes, I see a glimpse of them in my husband. Keith has great strength of character; yet he stoops down to pick a tiny flower amidst a field of grass in order to gently hand it to me on our walks. More so with Christ. While holding infinite power, He offers us His gentle, humble heart where we find rest for our souls. He invites us to walk closely with Him and learn from Him.
Lord Jesus, You are both strong and GENTLE! We praise You!