Matthew 10:29
Bye Bye Birdie

Have you ever had a bird fly in your house? Several years ago a bird flew into our home. Our lab, Abby, stalked then chased Birdie. Holly, our Cocker, chased Abby. I chased everyone…. two dogs and a bird. I finally managed to get the dogs outside, but not before Birdie was injured. Matthew 10:29 came to mind. “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.” As I pondered Birdie’s demise, I couldn’t help but note that it didn’t end well for her because she was in the wrong place. It caused me to think about how our Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be in the right place with Him and others. How can we do that? By walking by His Spirit. If you often find yourself like Birdie – in the wrong place with God or others, visit – Listen UP. Learn to walk by His Spirit.