Matthew 15:33-38
Is Your Life a Mess of Puzzle Pieces

Do you feel like your life is a mess of puzzle pieces and you don’t see how everything is going to come together? Do you wish there was someone you could talk to; who could advise you? If you’re in that place, Isaiah 9:6 says Jesus is your “go to” Counselor, and He’s wonderful! How does He counsel us? He counsels us in prayer. He counsels us through the promptings of our heart. He counsels us in the Bible through His teachings and by His example. For instance, in Matthew 15:32-38, there appeared to be a problem – 4,000+ people who were hungry and no food. Did Jesus wring His holy hands? No. Instead, He asked the disciples how many loaves of bread they had. They replied seven and a few small fish. Jesus “took the seven loaves and the fish; and giving thanks, He broke them and ….” You know the rest of the story. Jesus THANKED His Heavenly Father for what He had in His hands. He acted in faith with what was in His hands. Thanking God for what we have is powerful. If you’re struggling with discouragement and don’t know what is going to happen with your life, start recording your heart-felt prayers and questions in Prayers of My Heart journal. Instead of turning over the same puzzle pieces in your mind, pause in your Counselor’s presence and see what He impresses on your yearning heart. Do what He tells you. He is, after all, the Wonderful Counselor.
Jesus, thank You, wonderful COUNSELOR, for Your presence and Your wisdom.
Thank you, COUNSELOR
“And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”
Do you need help? Do you wish there was someone you could talk to; who could advise you? If so, Jesus is your “go to” Counselor, and He’s wonderful! How does He counsel us? He counsels us in prayer. He counsels us through the promptings of our heart. He counsels us in the Bible through His teachings and by His example. For instance, in Matthew 15:32-38, there appeared to be a huge problem – 4,000 + people who had been listening to Jesus teach all day were hungry, and there was no food. Did Jesus wring His holy hands? Did Jesus become hopeless? No. Instead, Jesus asked the disciples how many loaves of bread they had. They replied seven and a few small fish. Jesus “took the seven loaves and the fish; and giving thanks, He broke them and ….” You know the rest of the story. Jesus THANKED His Heavenly Father for what He had in His hands. He acted in faith with what was in His hands. Did you know that thanking God for what we have rather than bemoaning what we don’t have is powerful?
If you’re struggling with a downcast spirit, start recording each 365 attribute of God. This morning I re-read in praise each attribute beginning with January 1. I was reminded of how wonderful and big our Lord is. I love recording in Prayers of My Heart that He CONTENDS FOR me. SO … how about your COUNSELOR? He is worthy of our praise!
Jesus, thank You, wonderful COUNSELOR, for always being there.