When Public Opinion Doesn’t Matter
We have to make a decision. We either believe what Jesus says about Himself or we don’t. In other words, we call Him a liar or we call Him God. Although we might want to be agreeable with people who insist there are many ways to heaven, that’s not what the Bible says. This is one time when public opinion doesn’t matter. No other prophet besides Jesus claimed to be the God. No other prophet was killed and rose from the dead as Jesus did; witnessed by hundreds. First Timothy 2:5 explains, “There is ONE GOD, and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ.” If you don’t know Him, get to know Him. The account of His life and His teachings are recorded in the Bible. A good place to begin is the book of John. Pray before you begin reading, open your mind, heart, and spirit to receive Him.
Lord Jesus Christ, thank YOU for being the One God and one way to salvation. Open the hearts and minds of those who side with public opinion that there are many ways to heaven. Show them that You alone are the One God in whom there is deliverance from sin and deliverance to heaven.