New Year
Start the New Year Strong with 2020 Vision

Friends, my monthly Faith Nugget is back! You signed up to get this monthly nugget of encouragement. I pray it blesses you. Let me know, and if it does, please share it.
“I can see better. Colors are brighter. Whites more white. I have 20/20 vision!” Can you relate to those comments? You can if you have a new eyeglass prescription or had cataract surgery. Seeing clearly is a welcomed blessing. It affects our outlook and quality of life. The same is true for spiritual vision. What is spiritual vision? How can we achieve 20/20 spiritual vision in the new year?
Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart
Did you know your heart has eyes, a metaphor for the eye of our mind, the faculty of knowing? It does, and in Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul prays that the eyes of our heart be enlightened. The implication is there is more to see than we realize. More to see of “the hope of Christ’s calling; more to see of the surpassing greatness of Christ’s power.” How did Paul know? He’d been “caught up to the third heaven” where he heard things inexpressible. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) The man once blinded by Christ’s light now clearly sees Christ’s glory and power.
The Eyes of Our Heart and Mind Communicate
In case you’re not aware, our heart functions as more than a blood pumping muscle. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, along with others including the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health write on, “Cellular Communications in the Heart,” “cell cross talk” and “intercellular communication.” If cells communicate, affecting our physical heart condition, why would we doubt communication with God affects our spiritual heart condition?
Verses throughout the Bible address the power of our heart to influence our thinking and therefore, lives. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,” Proverbs 4:23. “As a man thinks in his heart so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. As we think in our heart? Our heart thinks? Apparently, yes. Psalm 119:11 speaks of the power of our heart on our behavior. “I have hidden Your Words in my heart so that I would not sin against Thee.” Yes, God created our heart as a spiritual receptor that communicates with our mind and influences our emotions and behavior. Did not Christ say that rivers of living water would flow from our innermost being, referring to the Holy Spirit’s influence on us? (John 7:38)
How Are the Eyes of Our Heart Enlightened?
People seek higher education at universities because learning is enlightening and empowering. Wise believers seek an even Higher education – the mind of Christ – so they’ll be enlightened and empowered to live for Christ. The more Bible knowledge we apply to our heart through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the better our spiritual vision.
Join me! John 10 week Bible Study. Also available online.
Heavenly Father, thank You for enlightening the eyes of our heart as we read and apply Your truths to our hearts through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Are You Ready for a New Year

Last year innocent people were killed. Covide didn’t go away as hoped. You made it through one storm and another hit. Are you ready for the new year? If so, may I recommend how Psalm 61:3 describes God.
You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.”
A tower is a high place from which we can look at life and see it from God’s perspective. The spiritual tower of prayer is the place from where we can pray, pour out our heart to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best next year, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go. Start the New Year strong…with your face set like flint toward heaven, with your pen in your hand ready to write words of praise to your Father and intercessions for your family, church, nation, friends, and yes, yourself. The Bible is a journal of God’s interactions with man, of people’s struggles, and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. Your copy of Prayers of My Heart becomes your journal of God’s interactions with you, of your struggles, and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. I encourage you to get a journal. Why? Because it’s a spiritual, emotional, mental game changer. Take a glance at the benefits of journaling. I also have a Quick Start Video on how to get started, a Quick Start Guide, or you can watch my conference Starting Strong with 2020 Vision. Begin the new year with a new approach – journaling with God.
What Others Are Saying- scroll down
Jesus, tower of strength and refuge, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You help us get through the next year. You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guarded and guided us this past year. We look to this coming year with joy and hope because of You.
Are You Ready for a New Year

Last year, innocent people were killed. Covide struck suddenly. You made it through one storm and another hit. Are you ready for a new year? If so, may I recommend how Psalm 61:3 describes God. “You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.” A tower is a high place where we can look at life from God’s perspective, where we pray, pour out our heart to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best next year, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go. Start the New Year strong…with your face set like flint toward heaven…with your pen in your hand ready to write words of praise to your Father, intercessions for your family, church, nation, friends, and yes, yourself. The Bible is a journal of God’s interactions with man, of peoples struggles and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. Prayers of My Heart is a journal of God’s interactions with you, of your struggles and God’s faithful interventions and merciful hand. I encourage you to get a journal for a donation of any amount. Take a glance at the benefits of journaling here.
Jesus, tower of strength and refuge, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You help us get through the next year. You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guarded and guided us this past year. We look to this coming year with joy and hope because of You.
What’s In Your Mouth

Do you know what often rises to the top of people’s New Year resolutions? You may have guessed it: eating healthier. Why is it such a challenge for us to put healthy food instead of unhealthy food in our mouths? How do people successfully make the switch to good habits? They have a plan along with their resolution. What other resolutions do we often make? To read the Bible every day. To pray more. Why are these good resolutions? Because as food is healthy for our bodies, reading the Bible and praying is healthy for our souls. Psalm 34:1 says, ”I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” If you get stuck on what to praise God for, check out Beyond Ourselves, a free devotional you can receive every day that features a different trait of God for which you can praise Him. Resolve to not only put healthy food in your mouth but to also put healthy praise in your mouth…a resolution with a plan.
Record your daily praise in Prayers of My Heart. On sale now!
Not Much or A Year of Much Thanks?

Have you ever been asked, “What’s going on” and you replied, “Not much” or maybe, “keeping busy.” But what if you were asked what you were thankful for last year; but not only last year, but for each day last year? Could you answer? You could if you had kept a gratitude journal. Why would you want to do that? Is it a crazy thought that each day we have something for which to be thankful? No, and it’s incredibly advantageous. Research proves that people who journal their thanks are more optimistic about life than those who don’t. No doubt, that’s why 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks. This does not mean we’re to say, “thank you, God, for the car wreck.” It does mean we’re to be mindfully thankful that God is with us and will see us through whatever we face. Begin the practice of writing your thanks to God each day. This time next year, you’ll have a collection of daily gratitudes.
Start the New Year Strong with 2020 Vision

“I can see better. Colors are brighter. Whites more white. I have 20/20 vision!” Can you relate to those comments? You can if you have a new eyeglass prescription or had cataract surgery. Seeing clearly is a welcomed blessing. It affects our outlook and quality of life. The same is true for spiritual vision. What is spiritual vision? How can we achieve 20/20 spiritual vision in 2020?
Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart
Did you know your heart has eyes, a metaphor for the eye of our mind, the faculty of knowing? It does, and in Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul prays that the eyes of our heart be enlightened. The implication is there is more to see than we realize. More to see of “the hope of Christ’s calling; more to see of the surpassing greatness of Christ’s power.” How did Paul know? He’d been “caught up to the third heaven” where he heard things inexpressible. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) The man once blinded by Christ’s light now clearly sees Christ’s glory and power.
The Eyes of Our Heart and Mind Communicate
In case you’re not aware, our heart functions as more than a blood pumping muscle. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, along with others including the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health write on, “Cellular Communications in the Heart,” “cell cross talk” and “intercellular communication.” If cells communicate, affecting our physical heart condition, why would we doubt communication with God affects our spiritual heart condition?
Verses throughout the Bible address the power of our heart to influence our thinking and therefore, lives. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,” Proverbs 4:23. “As a man thinks in his heart so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. As we think in our heart? Our heart thinks? Apparently, yes. Psalm 119:11 speaks of the power of our heart on our behavior. “I have hidden Your Words in my heart so that I would not sin against Thee.” Yes, God created our heart as a spiritual receptor that communicates with our mind and influences our emotions and behavior. Did not Christ say that rivers of living water would flow from our innermost being, referring to the Holy Spirit’s influence on us? (John 7:38)
How Are the Eyes of Our Heart Enlightened?
People seek higher education at universities because learning is enlightening and empowering. Wise believers seek an even Higher education – the mind of Christ – so they’ll be enlightened and empowered to live for Christ. The more Bible knowledge we apply to our heart through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the better our spiritual vision. Join me January 8 at “Starting Strong with 2020 Vision.” Get a Bible study and walk with increased spiritual vision and power in 2020. Information below.
Heavenly Father, thank You for enlightening the eyes of our heart as we read and apply Your truths to our hearts.
Women’s Gathering with Debbie Taylor Williams
What: Starting Strong with 2020 Vision
When: Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 11 -12 noon
Where: Trinity Baptist Church Chapel, Kerrville, TX
Register: Call Gina at 830.895.0100 or register online at Childcare for infants to kindergarten must be registered.
Email [email protected] for more information.
$7.50 includes Prayers of My Heart journal and refreshments. Scholarships available.
Are You Ready for a New Year

Last year, innocent people were killed. Illness struck suddenly. You made it through one storm and another hit. Are you ready for a new year? If so, may I recommend how Psalm 61:3 describes God. “You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength against the enemy.” A tower is a high place where we can look at life from God’s perspective, where we pray, pour out our heart to God, intercede for others, and quietly listen for His counsel. If we want to experience God’s best next year, we can. Our Father is a tower of strength and refuge to whom we can go. Start the New Year Strong. Learn more. Register Today. Also be sure to JOIN my new Prayers of My Heart Facebook Gathering. I’ll be there to personally chat with you.
Jesus, tower of strength and refuge, we praise You. When we don’t know how we can get through the next minute, You help us get through the next year. You are our strength and help. Thank You for all the ways You guarded and guided us this past year. We look to next year with joy and hope because of You.