Prayers of My Heart

Decrease Your Stress, Increase Your Optimism


If praying is Christ’s recommended stress buster, then why are Christians so stressed? Is it because we mindlessly pray the same prayers? Is it because God answers our prayers but we don’t focus on how He’s answering them and give Him praise?

Praise to the KING of KINGS


“He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the KING of KINGS and Lord of lords”

1 Timothy 6:15

The apostle Paul was given a glimpse of heaven. It was with tremendous conviction that he therefore dedicated his life to serving God. Were we to have the same glimpse, perhaps our lives and lips would flow in unwavering praise as Paul’s,

He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the KING OF KINGS and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen,” 1 Timothy 6:15-16.

Do we believe God is the KING OF KINGS who dwells in unapproachable light? If so, may our words flow in praise.

You are the KING OF KINGS and Lords of lords; We praise you, blessed, Sovereign KING!

Enjoy 3 places from which to choose to journal your praise to God for who He is in Prayers of My Heart:  1) Month at A Glance, 2) Week at A Glance, or 3) Meditations, Notes, and Prayers. Writing the names of God seals them more firmly in your mind. You can also go back and thumb through the pages of your journal and reflect on who the Lord is. I know you’ll enjoy journaling in Prayers of My Heart. I’m so happy to share it with you!  Your preorder will help spread the news, so thank you for getting a journal for yourself or as a gift!


Praise to Our Kind Lord


“Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4)

I see it in his eyes. They are kind. His eyes say it all. His eyes tell me what’s in his heart. My husband, Keith, looks at me with kind eyes. My response? I feel the most tender of love for him.

The eyes tell us what fills the heart. And, so we wonder — what fills Jesus’ eyes? What if you were in His presence and He looked deeply into your eyes. What if you couldn’t take your eyes away from His. What would you see in His eyes for you? You’d see kindness; kindness beyond anything you’d experienced. Kindness that causes you to love Him with every fiber of your being.

As the Apostle Paul asks in Romans 2:4, do we think lightly of His kindness and tolerance and patience toward us? In other words, are we going about our day hardly looking Christ’s way? When He convicts us of our sin, do we look in Jesus’ eyes and sincerely apologize to Him and perhaps the person we’ve wronged? Or, are we like a child who is caught doing something wrong and maybe at best, we mutter, “sorry.”

“Look in Jesus’ eyes,” we’re reminded. “Do we think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads us to repentance?”

So, we pause now to look into Jesus’ eyes and respond accordingly.

Dear Savior, You are so KIND and loving and patient. Forgive us for sinning against You when we sin against one another.  May we look deeply in Your eyes and then turn and reflect Your kindness to others. 

Record your prayers in Prayers of My Heart. Click to ORDER. 


Praise to the Lord, Who is JUST


“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne…”

Psalm 89:14

Do you ever feel like you’re getting a bad rap, that things aren’t fair? Have you wondered why someone gets away with “wrong doings” with no apparent consequences? Often, our questions are warranted. As thinking people, we can’t help but wonder. But then we must quickly remember the truth. No one “gets away” with anything before God. He sees our sin and knows our thoughts. Most importantly, God is JUST. He seeks justice. Justice is the foundation of His throne. He weighs hearts and motives. He forgives the repentant sinner. He deals with the unrepentant one. Lay your vengeance at His feet. He will rule justly because that is His nature – to be JUST.

Lord, we praise you. You are JUST!

Countdown to the release of Prayers of My Heart. Am I excited? Yes! Why? I encourage people to write God’s attribute every day in their journal. Writing it seals it more firmly in our minds. In addition, you can use God’s attributes as the springboard for your prayers for yourself and others.  If you’re not one to journal, then you’ll enjoy meditating on the encouraging verses on prayers. Click HERE and take your prayer life a step further.


Thank You, JESUS


“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21

Daily, we meditate on the different names and traits of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

But one name, JESUS, is the name God gave His Son.

Jesus means “Jehovah is salvation; Jesus is the Savior of mankind.”*

In the angel’s message to Joseph to name the Christ baby, “Jesus,” we hear the hope on which we anchor our souls. Jesus will save us from our sins. Jesus will save our children from their sins. Jesus will save whoever looks on Him and cries to Him for forgiveness.

We’re there, on bended knee, gazing on Jesus in the manger. We’re there, on bended knee, gazing on Jesus on the cross. And between the crib and the cross, Jesus showed us how to live – humbly – with forgiveness, pointing others to the crib and the cross.

Lord JESUS, we praise You, Son of the Most High God, Savior of the world. We adore and worship You; and pray our lives bring You honor and glory that point others to You.

 Record each of God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart. Journal your thanks to Him each day. Order here.


What We Love About * MONTH at a Glance * Prayers of My Heart


Congratulations on getting Prayers of My Heart! We love the Month At A Glance section because...

What We Love About * WEEK at a Glance * Prayers of My Heart


Congratulations on getting Prayers of My Heart!  Your journal has 3 sections: Month At a Glance, Week At a Glance, and Mediations-Notes-Prayers.  We love Week at a Glance because...

Prayers of My Heart Getting Started


Congratulations on getting Prayers of My Heart! You're on your way to a closer walk with the Lord.  We'll do this together! Let's set up your journal now.

7 Benefits of Journaling


Have you ever thought about journaling? If so, I encourage you to begin! Why? Find out 7 reasons to journal.

Thank You, Jesus, for Being Our ADVOCATE


“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous;”

1 John 2:1

I wish I wouldn’t sin; but I do. I miss the mark of holiness every day. Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want us to live in sin and guilt; under judgement. He provided an ADVOCATE for us: Jesus Christ. Jesus pled and won the case for us to be released from our sins by paying our debt. Only when we arrive in heaven will we fully appreciate the magnitude of the gift of our salvation and eternal life in heaven’s glory. 

Lord Jesus, we praise You! Thank You for coming alongside us and being our Advocate in Our Holy Father’s presence. 


