Psalm 23
Are You a Tommy or David?

Standing in the checkout line, I noticed the child from the corner of my eye. You couldn’t help but notice since he was wailing at the top of his lungs, “I want it!” His bedraggled mother tried her best to wrestle the package of M&Ms from his hands while at the same time apologize to the cashier.
Tommy wanted the M & M’s, but his mother knew that her child was not “lacking” for food. Although I don’t like to admit it, there are times I can be like Tommy when things aren’t going my way. But there is another to whom we can look who points us to the key to being calm and trusting rather than demanding and complaining.
David, the shepherd boy who became king, is an example to us. In Psalm 23:1 he stated, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Say those words with me. “I shall not want.”
David grasped what I sometimes forget. There’s a difference between what I “want” and what I “lack.” Psalm 23:1 is best interpreted, “The Lord is my shepherd (Jehovah-Ra-Ah), I lack for nothing.”
In other words, David was aware that the Lord was watching over him, leading, and protecting him. He was mindful of his Shepherd’s presence and provision.
If there are times you focus more on what you want rather than on God’s present provision and you desire to develop a more grateful attitude, consider daily journaling that for which you are grateful. Begin being more like David and less like Tommy.
JEHOVAH-RA-AH, thank You for being our Shepherd. Help us be increasingly mindful that in You we lack for nothing.
Join us beginning July 10th for a new study on the book of Jude! Through the study, you’ll learn about the importance of guarding your faith and being mindful of what you are being taught. For more information and to register, click HERE.
Are You Like Tommy or David?

Jehovah-Ra-ah, we praise You, our Shepherd. In You we lack for nothing. May we set our minds on the things above according to Your Word. Order Prayers of My Heart HERE.
Is God Ever Angry with Me
Have you ever wondered if God is angry with you? I have. It’s a troubling thought to think God might be angry with us. I’ve researched the subject and yes, there are times recorded in Scripture where we find, “The anger of the Lord burned against…”one of His children. On one occasion it was Moses. Why? Because he told God that he wasn’t a good speaker; so therefore wasn’t a good candidate for the job of leading the Israelites out of Egypt. (Exodus 4:10-14). Makes us kind of want to chuckle, right; because we know the end of the story. Perhaps Moses’s story encourages us. Yes, we too, may have backed down from God’s calling to a position or maybe we’ve backed down from God’s calling to holiness and we wonder if it’s made God angry. But just as He shepherded Moses in His holy will, He shepherds us. David said it well in Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my Shepherd.” In what way is He shepherding you today?
Heavenly Father, we’re thankful You’re our SHEPHERD. Help us be wise sheep who stay close by Your side and follow You.
The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters.
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil, for You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord [i]forever.
*Remember to record God’s attributes in your Prayers of My Heart journal. As you do, praise Him for all He means to you.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Standing at the grocery store, I noticed the child from the corner of my eye. You couldn’t help but notice. He was throwing a temper tantrum. “I want it!” he wailed at the top of his lungs. The bedraggled mother tried her best to wrestle the package of M & Ms from his hands, while struggling at the same time to apologize the cashier. She didn’t dare look at the customers in line behind her. Tommy “wanted” the M & M’s. That was clear. But, his mother knew full well that her child wasn’t lacking for food.
His temper tantrum wasn’t unfamiliar to me. Although I don’t like to admit it, I’m a lot like Tommy. I may not lay in the floor and kick and scream. But when I get my mind around what I want and I don’t get it, I’m rather like him. I may complain. I may whine in my spirit. I may sulk. I may cry out loud on occasion. What makes me different from Tommy? Height and weight. What makes me different from David? He had a keen grasp on something I often forget – there’s a difference between what I “want” and what I “lack.”
David’s psalm best reads, “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack for nothing.” In other words, the Lord fed him, watched over him, led him, protected him. And, David was keenly mindful of his Shepherd’s provision.
Maybe there are times when you’re like me; more aware of what we want than of what we don’t lack. If so, and you want to develop an attitude of gratitude, join me in daily journaling that for which we’re thankful each day. Prayers of My Heart prayer journal is now available and has several places where we can list that for which we’re thankful. I received a early copy from my publisher and in addition to writing PTL for “Praise the Lord” beside answered prayer, I’m also using the Month at A Glance section to daily record that for which I’m grateful. Check out the 7 Benefits of Journaling in the “Look Inside” Welcome. Get a quick glimpse of the other sections where you can record your gratefulness to God HERE. Let’s develop an attitude of gratitude for the Lord, our Shepherd and join David in praising Him, “You are Jehovah-Ra-ah. I lack for nothing.”