Psalm 46:1
When Storms Overwhelm

Are the storms in your life overwhelming you, perhaps literally? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Lightning bolts of regret can strike us to the core. Worry can flood our minds. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, worry, and regret. That’s why He has given us His Spirit, His very presence to be with us.
Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our refuge, a very present help in trouble. Just as shelters offer a place for flood victims, God calls us to come to Him for refuge. The Hebrew word “refuge” means shelter from danger or falsehood.
The more closely we stay under God’s arms of truth, the more protected we are from the enemy’s lies. So go to Him. Shelter under the truth of His love for you.
Lord, You are a REFUGE who shelters us from Satan’s lies, worldly deceptions, and life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.
The Lord is always present and wants us to talk to Him through prayer. Learn to pray more purposefully through Debbie’s book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion.
Help is On the Way

“Help is on the way.” It’s all I could think to say as I grabbed my purse and headed to my car. She needed to hear those words. She needed to know that help was on the way…the kind of tangible help that is needed when we’re at our wit’s end and we don’t know how much more we can take.
And so, God wants us to know that He is our help. Psalm 46:1 assures us, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Could you use some help from God today? Perhaps you need wisdom about a decision. James 1:5 says ask God for it. He is your help.
Could you use something “good” in your life? If so, James 1:17 reminds us that every “good” thing is from above. God is your help.
Are you anxious and long for peace? God is your help. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us that you can pray and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
You may be in a situation where you are despairing. Psalm 43:5 tells us once again that God is our help. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.”
Yes, God is our help. Unlike my friend who had to wait for me to arrive in order to help her, we can experience the Lord’s present help no matter our situation. We need only call on Him. Will you call on Him today?
Lord, we praise You, our present HELP and help of our countenance.
Today is the National Day of Prayer. Would you like to learn how to pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ? Grab a copy of Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion.
Help is On the Way

“Help is on the way.” It’s all I could think to say as I grabbed my purse and headed to my car. She needed to hear those words. She needed to know that help was on the way…the kind of tangible help we need when we’re at our wit’s end when we don’t know how much more we can take. And so, God wants us to know, “He is our HELP.” We may not see Him, but we have the full assurance that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present HELP in trouble,” Psalm 46:1. Are you in trouble and need HELP? Are you in despair and need HELP? Are you disturbed about something and need HELP? Unlike the friend who had to wait for me, the Lord is our present HELP. We need only call on Him as Psalm 43:5 reminds us. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, the HELP of my countenance and my God,”
Heavenly Father, we praise You, our HELP, and the HELP of our countenance.
When Storms Overwhelm

Are the storms in your life overwhelming you…perhaps literally? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Lightning bolts of regret can strike us to the core. Worry can flood our minds. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, worry, and regret. That’s why He has given us His Spirit, His very presence to be with us. Just as shelters offer a place for flood victims, God calls us to come to Him for REFUGE. The Hebrew word “REFUGE” means shelter from danger or falsehood. The more closely we stay under God’s arms of truth, the more protected we are from the enemies’ lies. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our REFUGE, a very present help in trouble. Go to Him. Shelter under the truth of His love for you.
Lord, You are a REFUGE who shelters us from Satan’s lies, worldly deceptions, and life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.
Help is On the Way

“Help is on the way.” It’s all I could think to say as I grabbed my purse and headed to my car. She needed to hear those words. She needed to know that help was on the way…the kind of tangible help we need when we’re at our wit’s end when we don’t know how much more we can take. And so, God wants us to know, “He is our HELP.” We may not see Him, but we have the full assurance that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present HELP in trouble,” Psalm 46:1. Are you in trouble and need HELP? Are you in despair and need HELP? Are you disturbed about something and need HELP? Unlike the friend who had to wait for me, the Lord is our present HELP. We need only call on Him as Psalm 43:5 reminds us. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, the HELP of my countenance and my God,”
Heavenly Father, we praise You, our HELP, and the HELP of our countenance.
When Storms Overwhelm

Are the storms in your life overwhelming you…perhaps literally? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Lightning bolts of regret can strike us to the core. Worry can flood our minds. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, worry, and regret. That’s why He has given us His Spirit; His very presence to be with us. Just as shelters offer a place for flood victims, God calls us to come to Him for REFUGE. The Hebrew word “REFUGE” means shelter from danger or falsehood. The more closely we stay under God’s arms of truth, the more protected we are from the enemies’ lies. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our REFUGE, a very present help in trouble. Go to Him. Shelter under the truth of His love for you.
Lord, You are a REFUGE who shelters us from Satan’s lies, worldly deceptions, and life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.
Help is On the Way

“Help is on the way.” It’s all I could think to say as I grabbed my purse and headed to my car. She needed to hear those words. She needed to know that help was on the way…the kind of tangible help we need when we’re at our wit’s end when we don’t know how much more we can take. And so, God wants us to know, “He is our HELP.” We may not see Him, but we have the full assurance that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present HELP in trouble,” Psalm 46:1. Are you in trouble and need HELP? Are you in despair and need HELP? Are you disturbed about something and need HELP? Unlike the friend who had to wait for me, the Lord is our present HELP. We need only call on Him as Psalm 43:5 reminds us. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, the HELP of my countenance and my God,”
Heavenly Father, we praise You, our HELP and the HELP of our countenance.
When Bolts of Regret Strike You to the Core

Are the storms in your life overwhelming you…perhaps literally? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Lightening bolts of regret can strike us to the core. Worry can flood our mind. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, worry, and regret. That’s why He has given us His Spirit; His very presence to be with us. Just as shelters offer a place for flood victims to go, God calls us to come to Him for REFUGE. The Hebrew word, “REFUGE,” means shelter from danger or falsehood. The more closely we stay under God’s arms of truth, the more protected we are from the enemies’ lies. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our REFUGE, a very present help in trouble. Go to Him. Shelter under the truth of His love for you.
Lord, You provide yourself as a REFUGE to shelter us from Satan’s lies and worldly deceptions. You’re a shelter in the midst of life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.
How To Get Through the Next 86,400 Seconds

I’M ON MY WAY TO THE West Virginia PRAY CONFERENCE on September 7! Prayers, please, for safe travel, God’s anointing, and an outpouring of people attend; for salvation for seekers, and recommitments by Christians to pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ. Thank you!
Have you ever wondered how you were going to make it through the next 86,400 seconds? (24 hours) You may have even said to someone, “I need help and I need it now,” but felt like your plea wasn’t heard. If your thoughts are going places they shouldn’t go or your emotions are spiraling, look to God who is described in Psalm 46:1 as not just a future help to us in heaven, but rather as a very PRESENT HELP. Commentator Charles Ryrie explains “Very PRESENT HELP can have the idea of ‘well-proved help.'” In other words, we don’t have to hope God can help us. Rather, we can rest assured that God is present and He is reliable. We can pray, “God, thank You for being present with me. Please help me now.” How does His help come? In different ways. He may strengthen us to get through what seems impossible. He may send a person who offers their help. Let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to the help He provides and thank Him for it.
Lord, thank You for being PRESENT to HELP us. Help us keep our eyes on You and trust each day to You.
Write your thanks to God HERE every day and you’ll develop a more optimistic viewpoint. Why? You’ll see how God is being your present help. I’ve marked Prayers of My Heart journal from $14.99 to $9.99. Get it now!
“God is our refuge and strength, A very PRESENT HELP in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Help is On the Way

“Help is on the way.” It’s all I could think to say as I grabbed my purse and headed to my car. She needed to hear those words. She needed to know that help was on the way…the kind of tangible help we need when we’re at our wits end, when we don’t know how much more we can take. And so, God wants us to know, “He is our HELP.” We may not see Him, but we have the full assurance that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present HELP in trouble,” Psalm 46:1. Are you in trouble and need HELP? Are you in despair and need HELP? Are you disturbed about something and need HELP? Unlike the friend who had to wait for me, the Lord is our present HELP. We need only call on Him as Psalm 43:5 reminds us. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, the HELP of my countenance and my God,”
Heavenly Father, we praise You, our HELP and the HELP of our countenance.