Psalm 46:1
When Fear and Regret Flood Your Mind
Are the storms in your life overwhelming you…perhaps literally? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Pains of regret can beat like rain on our heart. Worry can flood our mind. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, worry, and guilt. That’s why He’s present. That’s why He offers Himself. Just as rescue helicopters offer a way of escape to flooded victims, God offers His help and strength. He’s our REFUGE. The Hebrew word, “REFUGE,” means shelter from danger or falsehood. The more closely we stay under God’s arm of Biblical truth, the more protected we are from the enemies’ lies. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our REFUGE, a very present help in trouble.
Lord, You provide yourself as a REFUGE to shelter us from falling for Satan’s lies and worldly deceptions. You’re a shelter in the midst of life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.
“God is our REFUGE and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
I need HELP and I need it now
“I need help and I need it now.” Have you ever thought those words? I have. Maybe our thoughts are going places where they shouldn’t be going. Maybe our emotions are spiraling out of control. Maybe we feel like we just don’t have what it takes to do or be what we know is needed. We’re crashing. So, what do we do? We look to God who is described as not just a future help to us in heaven, but rather as a very PRESENT HELP. Commentator Charles Ryrie explains what Psalm 46:1 means regarding God being a present help in trouble. He states, “Very PRESENT HELP can have the idea of ‘well-proved help.'” In other words, we’re not hoping God can help us. He is present and reliable. We can pray, “God, help me,” and be assured that He will. What a great Heavenly Father we have. Let’s keep our eyes and hearts open to the help He’s providing us.
Lord, thank You for being PRESENT to HELP us. Help us keep our eyes on You and trust each day to You.
“God is our refuge and strength, A very PRESENT HELP in trouble.” Psalm 46:1
Praise to the Lord, Our HELP

“Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our HELP and our shield.”
“Help is on the way.” It’s all I could think to say as I grabbed my purse and headed to the car. She needed to hear those words. She needed to know that help was on the way…the kind of tangible help we need when we’re at our wits end, when we don’t know how much more we can take. And so, God wants us to know, “He is our HELP.” We may not see Him, but we have the full assurance that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present HELP in trouble,” Psalm 46:1. Are you in trouble and need HELP? Are you in despair and need HELP? Are you disturbed about something and need HELP? Unlike the friend who had to wait for me, the Lord is our present HELP. We need only call on Him. “Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why are you disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him, the HELP of my countenance and my God,” Psalm 43:5.
Lord God, we praise You, our HELP and the HELP of our countenance.
FRIENDS, I think most of you know that my non-profit is taking our P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conference to every state. This morning I’m leading the conference in Sheridan, WY, 9-12:00. Thank you for the many ways you’ve helped get this conference across the nation through your donations and prayers. Through you, God is answering people’s cries for help. Please pray a great crowd will show up, for God’s anointing on my teaching and the ears of all who attend. Pray seekers will come and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you.
Praise to God, Our REFUGE
“God is our REFUGE and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
Are the storms in your life overwhelming you…perhaps literally if you’re a victim of the recent hurricanes and earthquakes? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Pains of guilt can beat on our heart. Worry can rain in our mind. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, burdened with worry and guilt. That’s why He’s present. That’s why He offers Himself. Just as rescue helicopters offer a way of escape to flooded victims, God hovers over us, offering His help and strength. He’s our REFUGE. The Hebrew word, “REFUGE,” means shelter from danger or falsehood. The more closely we stay under God’s arm of Biblical truth, the more protected we are; the fewer lies of the enemy we fall for. This verse is a reminder that God is our REFUGE. Are you staying close to Him? Do you believe He’s got you?
Lord, You provide yourself as a REFUGE to shelter us from falling for Satan’s lies and worldly deceptions. You provide Yourself as a shelter in the midst of life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.
“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”
Psalm 46:1
If we ever needed to be reminded of a truth, perhaps it is this one. God is our refuge. Government can’t save us from evil. Money can’t save us from evil. Physical fitness can’t save us from evil. God is our refuge. God is our strength. God is a very present help in trouble. God is worthy of our praise.
Lord, You are my REFUGE. I praise You!
*Find additional verses, songs, & encouragement HERE. Record God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365.
“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
What does it mean to you that God is a present help? Does it change anything? Does it mean that you don’t worry since He’s present with you and is a help? Does it mean that you’re not fearful? It made all the difference for the one who penned the words of Psalm 46:1. He continued, “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling”(vs 2-3).
How could he not fear? I like commentator Charles Ryrie’s explanation. “A refuge provides a shelter from danger. Strength gives us courage in danger. Very present help can have the idea of ‘well-proved help.’ God’s help is both present and proven, ready and reliable.” What a gift God gives us! He’s present to help us.
Lord, I rejoice! You are PRESENT HELP. I thank You and praise You!
*Find more encouragement HERE. Did you miss an attribute? The list is HERE. Be sure to record them in your Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365 at the end of 2013!