Psalm 63:4
Praise to the Justifier

“That’s not fair!” How many times have we heard that impassioned objection from a child when they perceive something as unjust or inequitable? From an early age, we gain a sense of what’s fair and unfair or what’s just and unjust. We can quickly recognize other people’s sin nature when they’re acting unfairly, but as we mature, we must also learn to contend with and recognize our own sin nature.
The good news is that there is One who is not only perfectly just, but the ultimate justifier as well. That One is God. Romans 3:26 says, “…so that He [God] would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
What does this verse explain? That God declares us righteous when we repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord. God’s justification is not based on anything we’ve done. Rather, it is a gracious and merciful gift from God, based solely on the sacrificial death of Christ.
If we’re not already lifting our hands in praise of God; that He is both just and justifier, now is a good time to praise Him. “I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name” (Psalm 63:4).
We praise you, God, both just and JUSTIFIER!
Want to learn more about how to live by Christ’s divine nature instead of our sinful, fallen nature? Grab a copy of Debbie’s 2 Peter Bible study, Living by the Divine Nature Instead of Our Fallen Nature, HERE. You can also access the free accompanying videos and podcasts by going HERE.
Good Year? Bad Year?

As you look at the past year, are your thoughts, “It’s been great!” Or are your thoughts more along the lines of, “It’s been a rough year”? Perhaps the “rough” is related to health issues, finances, work, marriage, children, parents, and friendships. It may be related to your frustration with yourself, that you continue to struggle with the same issues. Whatever the case, God wants us to be mindful of the fact that just as He was there for us in the past, He’ll be there for us in the new year. That’s something for which to be grateful!
Why not be intentional about developing a more grateful attitude in the new year? Why develop a more grateful attitude? Consider – who would you rather be around? A negative person or a grateful person; someone who takes advantage of your kindness or someone who expresses their appreciation? Psalm 63:4 says,
I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.
Are you daily blessing the Lord by recalling what He does for you each day? I’m not referring to generalities such as, “Thank you, God, for this food and our home and family,” although we should express our appreciation to God for those things. Rather, I’m referring to blessing the Lord by gratefully celebrating how He has worked in your day and in the lives of those for whom you have prayed. I hope you have a copy of Prayers of My Heart journal so you can begin the new year daily lifting your hands in praise, lifting your pen to paper, and journaling God’s character traits and what He has done each day. It is not too late to order. Make this next year distinct by making it the year you daily bless God with your thanks.
Here’s a good place to start: Our Heavenly Father is
just and justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Romans 3:26
We bless you, Lord, for being both just and for being our justifier. We are so grateful!
Good Year? Bad Year?

As you look at the past year, are your thoughts, “It’s been great!” Or are your thoughts more along the lines of, “It’s been a rough year”? Perhaps the “rough” is related to health issues, finances, work, your marriage, children, parents, friendships. It may be related to your frustration with yourself, that you continue to struggle with the same issues. Whatever the case, God wants us to be mindful of the fact that just as He was there for us in the past, He’ll be there for us in the new year. That’s something for which to be grateful!
Why not be intentional about developing a more grateful attitude in the new year? Why bother? Consider – who would you rather be around? A negative person or a grateful person; someone who takes advantage of your kindness or someone who expresses their appreciation? Psalm 63:4 says,
“I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.”
Are you daily blessing the Lord by recalling what He does for you each day? I’m not referring to generalities such as, “Thank you, God, for this food and our home and family,” although we should express our appreciation to God for those things. Rather, I’m referring to blessing the Lord by gratefully celebrating how He has worked in your day and in the lives of those for whom you have prayed. I hope you have a copy of Prayers of My Heart journal so you can begin the new year daily lifting your hands in praise, lifting your pen to paper and journaling God’s character trait and what He has done each day. It is not too late to order. Make this next year distinct by making it the year you daily bless God with your thanks.
Here’s a good place to start: Our Heavenly Father is
“just and justifierof the one who has faith in Jesus.” Romans 3:26
We bless you, Lord, for being both just and for being our justifier. We are so grateful!
Be a Psalm 63:4er this YEAR!

As you look at the past year are your thoughts, “It’s been great!” Or, are your thoughts more along the lines of, “It’s been a rough or bad year”? Perhaps the “rough” or “bad” is related to the pandemic, finances, work, marriage, children, parents, or friendships. It may be related to your frustration with yourself, that you continue to struggle with sin. Whatever the case, something that God wants us to be mindful of is that He was there for us in the past and He’s not going anywhere. He’s staying by our side. As Romans 3:26 reminds us, He is “just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” It’s important for us to have an increasingly grateful heart for who God is and for His presence in our lives. It’s important for us, but it’s also important because of how we affect other people. For instance, who would you rather be around? A negative, cup is always half empty, grumbling person or a grateful person who is mindful of the blessings they have in Christ? Psalm 63:4 says, “I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.” Would you join me in making this year one in which we are intentional about living out Psalm 63:4? If you have Prayers of My Heart Journal, a great place to daily lift your hands in praise of God is in the Month at a Glance section. That’s where I daily write three+ praises to God. A second place to continue your praise is in the first column of the Week at a Glance section. That’s where I will record today’s character trait of God, “Justifier.” While I am writing it in my journal, I will lift up my heart and soul to Him and thank Him for justifying me in Christ Jesus. Yes, we can kick start our day with or without intentionally directing our spirit to bless the Lord and “lift up our hands in His name.” What will it be for us this year? Order Prayers of My Heart today for a donation of any amount. JOIN the POMH Gathering on Facebook for additional encouragement. Love you and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Debbie
We praise you, Lord, for being both just and our justifier. We are so grateful!
Good Year? Bad Year?

As you look at your year, are your thoughts, “It’s been great!” Or, are your thoughts more along the lines of, “It’s been a rough or bad year”? Perhaps the “rough” or “bad” is related to finances, work, your marriage, children, parents, friendships. It may be related to your frustration with yourself, that you continue to struggle with the same sin. Whatever the case, something God wants us to be mindful of is that He was there for us in the past and He’s not going anywhere. He’s staying by our side. As Romans 3:26 reminds us, He is “just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” Developing a grateful heart for who God is and His presence in our lives is a gift to ourselves and to others. Who would you rather be around? A negative, cup is always half empty, or a grateful person, mindful of their blessings in Christ? Psalm 63:4 says, “I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.” I hope you have Prayers of My Heart journal so you can daily lift your hands in praise of God and record a trait/name of Him each day. It is not too late to order. Journaling God’s traits and praying in relation to His character increases our mindfulness of God’s blessings and how we’re to be being transformed into His likeness. JOIN the POMH Gathering on Facebook for encouragement. We’re going to have so much fun sharing how we’re journaling and God’s blessings.
We praise you, Lord, for being both just and our justifier. We are so grateful!
Praise to the Justifier

“I say, of His righteousness at the present time, so that He would be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26).
God is just. But, in addition, He is the justifier. What does His revelation of Himself to us explain? That God declares us righteous when we repent of our sins and confess Jesus as Savior and Lord.
If we’re not already lifting our hands in praise of God; that He is both just and justifier, now is a good time to praise Him. “I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name” (Psalm 63:4).
We praise you, God, both just and JUSTIFIER!
I hope you’re getting a copy of Prayers of My Heart so you can join me in daily recording a character trait or name of God each day. It increases our mindfulness when we not only read the way in which God reveals Himself, but we also write it.