If You’re A Captive, Do This

Did you see the movie, Ransom? Mel Gibson played the father of the son who was kidnapped. There was no way the kidnapped son could free himself. The kidnappers demanded the father pay a certain price, a ransom, to get his son back. That’s what our Heavenly Father did for us. We were captives in sin so our Heavenly Father gave Jesus as the RANSOM to pay for our freedom. Was it only our Father’s idea? No. First Timothy 2:6 says that Jesus was in one accord with the Father. “…Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a RANSOM for all.” Yes, our sweet Lord gave Himself as a ransom so we could be reunited with Him and our Heavenly Father forever. How do we become free from sin? We say “yes” to the offer of Jesus being our ransom so we are released from being a captive to sin and Satan.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our RANSOM, our LORD.
If You’re A Captive, Do This

Did you see the movie, Ransom? Mel Gibson played the father of the son who was kidnapped. There was no way the kidnapped son could free himself. The kidnappers demanded that the father pay a certain price, a ransom, to get his son back. That’s what our Father did for us. We were captives in sin so our Heavenly Father gave Jesus as the RANSOM to pay for our freedom. Was it only our Father’s idea? No. First Timothy 2:6 says that Jesus was in one accord with the Father. “…Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a RANSOM for all.” Yes, our sweet Lord gave Himself as a ransom so we could be reunited with Him and our Heavenly Father forever. How do we become free from sin? We say “yes” to the offer of Jesus being our ransom so we are released from being a captive to sin and Satan.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our RANSOM, our LORD.
If You’re Kidnapped, Do This

Did you see the movie, Ransom? Mel Gibson played the father of the son who was kidnapped. There was no way the kidnapped son could free himself. The kidnappers demanded that the father pay a certain price, a ransom, to get his son back. That’s what our Father did for us. We were captives in sin. But our Heavenly Father gave Jesus as the RANSOM to pay for our freedom. Was it only our Father’s idea? No. First Timothy 2:6 says that Jesus was in one accord with the Father. “…Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a RANSOM for all.” Yes, our sweet Lord gave Himself as a ransom so we could be reunited to Him and our Heavenly Father forever. How do we become freed from sin? We say “yes” to the outstretched hand of Jesus who has come to save us.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our RANSOM, our LORD.
If You’re Kidnapped, Do This
Did you see the movie, Ransom? Mel Gibson played the role of the father of the son who was kidnapped. There was no way the kidnapped son could free himself. The kidnappers demanded that the father pay a certain price, a ransom, to get his son back. That’s what our Father did for us. We were captives in sin. But our Heavenly Father gave Jesus as the RANSOM to pay for our freedom. Was it only our Father’s idea? No. First Timothy 2:6 says that Jesus was in one accord with the Father. He gave Himself as a ransom for all of us so we could be reunited to our Heavenly Father. How do we become free of sin’s dominion? We say yes to the outstretched nail scarred hand of Jesus who has come to save us.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our RANSOM, our LORD.
“…Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a RANSOM for all,” 1 Timothy 2:6
Praise to Christ, Who RANSOMed Us
“…Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a RANSOM for all,”
Did you see the movie, Ransom? Mel Gibson played the dad whose son was kidnapped. The evil kidnappers demanded that Gibson pay a certain price, a ransom, to get his son back. That’s what Jesus did for us. We were captives in the domain of sin’s darkness. (Colossians 1:13) But Jesus gave HIMSELF as a RANSOM to gain our freedom; to restore us to the Father. Amazing love! how can it be that thou, my God, should die for me?*
Lord Jesus, we praise You, our RANSOM, our LORD.
* from the hymn, “And Can It Be That I Should Gain.” Watch and listen HERE.
“…Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all,”
1 Timothy 2:6
Did you see the movie, Ransom? Mel Gibson played the dad whose son was kidnapped. The evil kidnappers demanded that Gibson pay a certain price to get his son back. That’s what Jesus did for us. We were captives in the domain of sin’s darkness. (Colossians 1:13) But Jesus paid the ransom price for our liberation: His life.
Lord Jesus, thank you for giving yourself as a RANSOM so that I could be liberated. I love You and praise You!
© Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, www.debbietaylorwilliams.com. Thank you.