Refreshed by the Holy Spirit
Feeling a Little Wilted?

Have you ever walked through an unwatered garden of wilted plants? If so, you noticed there was little fruit, if any.
What a difference when you walk through a well-watered garden; one loved and tended to by the owner. Flowers and fruit abound. The garden has a fragrant aroma. The gardener has withheld nothing and has committed everything to care for the plants.
In Jeremiah 31:12 God is described as a Gardner and His people like a well-watered garden. “They will come and shout for joy on the height of Zion, and they will be radiant over the bounty of the LORD—and their life will be like a watered garden, and they will never languish again.”
If you are languishing and are spiritually wilted, I understand. Life can drain us at times. But rather than stay that way, go to your Heavenly Father. Open your Bible. Soak in His words. Be refreshed by His Spirit.
BOUNTIFUL Lord, thank You that although life can be draining, I don’t have to be dry and languish. Rather, in You, I can find an ever-present supply and flow of love, joy, peace, and strength that provides bountifully for all I need. I praise You and give You thanks.
Do you make it a habit to spend time with God each day? If this is something you struggles with, 365 Days of Praise is the perfect devotional to help you deepen your time in His presence and reflect on His incredible attributes. Get your copy HERE.