Remembering God's Faithfulness
If You Want Glorious Look Here

Does life ever seem dull or your days dreary? If so, give yourself a vacation by setting your thoughts on the glorious splendor of the Lord. Psalm 145:5
“Now therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name,” 1 Chronicles 29:13.
“For Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen,…to rebel against His glorious presence,” Isaiah 3:8.
“…I shall glorify My glorious house,” Isaiah 60:7.
“Who caused His glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses, … ” Isaiah 63:12.
“Look down from heaven and see from Your holy and glorious habitation;” Isaiah 63:15.
“‘But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne,” Matthew 25:31.
“…His opponents were being humiliated; and the entire crowd was rejoicing over all the glorious things being done by Him,” Luke 13:17.
“‘The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come,'” Acts 2:20.
“…strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might,” Colossians 1:11.
“My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.” James 2:1.
Lord Jesus, You, Your name, presence, house, arm, throne, might, and coming Day are GLORIOUS. We rejoice and praise You.
Want to learn more about the glorious day of the Lord? Click HERE to watch a clip from Debbie’s teaching on Acts 2.
What to Do in the Silence

Join me for a 4 Week Bible Study of JONAH this month! Learn more by clicking HERE.
Can you imagine the deafening silence that those who loved Jesus experienced after His marred holy body was placed in a tomb? What can be said in desperate hours and days of silence? How do followers fill their hollow hearts when it is weighed with loss or burdened by sin? Nehemiah 9 shows us. It’s a chapter that recounts people who are in sackcloth and fasting. It’s a chapter about people who, in desperation, read the Scriptures, confess, and worship. We’re privy to their prayer. Nehemiah 9:5-8a,
Arise, bless the LORD your God forever and ever! O may Your glorious name be blessed and exalted above all the blessing and praise! You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them and the heavenly host bows down before you. You are Lord God, Who chose Abram and brought him out from Ur of the Chaldees and gave him the name Abraham. You found his heart faithful before You, and made a covenant with him…
What do we do in times of desperation and when God is silent? We bless God’s glorious name and recount His goodness.
“‘O may Your GLORIOUS name be blessed and exalted above all blessing and praise!’” Nehemiah 9:5
What to Do in the Silence

Can you imagine the deafening silence that those who loved Jesus experienced after His marred holy body was placed in a tomb? What can be said in desperate hours and days of silence? How do followers fill their hollow hearts when it is weighed with loss or burdened by sin? Nehemiah 9 shows us. It’s a chapter that recounts people who are in sackcloth, fasting. It’s a chapter of people who, in desperation, read the book of the law and confess and worship. We’re privy to their prayer. Nehemiah 9:5-8a, “Arise, bless the LORD your God forever and ever! O may Your glorious name be blessed and exalted above all the blessing and praise! You alone are the Lord. You have made the heavens, the heaven of heavens with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to all of them and the heavenly host bows down before you. You are Lord God, Who chose Abram and brought him out from Ur of the Chaldees and gave him the name Abraham. You found his heart faithful before You, and made a covenant with him…” What do we do in times of desperation and when God is silent? We bless God’s glorious name and recount His goodness.
NOTE: During this time of self-isolation, take time each day to think through your life or even that day and write down how God has been there for you. If you have a spouse or children at home or friends or family who can be reached by phone or Face Time, you could do this together. It will remind you that God has been there for you in the past, He is with you now, and will be with you tomorrow.
It will strengthen your resolve to trust Him as you refresh your memory with His faithfulness.
“‘O may Your GLORIOUS name be blessed and exalted above all blessing and praise!’” Nehemiah 9:5