Romans 1:25
Hitch Your Wagon to the Right Star

Are you familiar with the saying, “Hitch your wagon to a star”? It’s an idiom that means “to commit to an aspirational goal or course of action that will lead to fulfillment.” [1]
One would think that people would choose to “hitch their wagon” to Creator God, who Romans 1:25 says is blessed forever. However, many people hitch themselves to other things and people. The Bible warns that there are serious consequences for rejecting Him who is Blessed Forever.
What are the consequences?
The Blessed Lord eventually gives people over to that which they have hitched themselves: over to impurity, dishonor, degrading passions, and depraved minds (Romans 1:26-31).
Creator God is Blessed. We are to hitch our lives to Him. Are we? Are we encouraging others to hitch their lives to Him? Are we explaining why it is important that they do?
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, who are BLESSED FOREVER, help me to examine my life and release anything to which I am hitched that is not of You and therefore not blessed by You. Use me as Your instrument to point people to You, who are Blessed Forever.
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Hitch Your Wagon to the Right Star

Are you familiar with the saying, “Hitch your wagon to a star”? It’s an idiom that means “to commit to an aspirational goal or course of action that will lead to fulfillment.”* But many today are hitching to the opposite. Instead of hitching to what Romans 1:25 describes as God who is BLESSED FOREVER, they’re hitching to the world. The Bible warns us that there are serious repercussions when people don’t honor God, don’t give Him thanks, and they exchange the truth of God for a lie. God eventually gives those people over. Over to what? Romans 1:18-25 tells us – over to impurity, over to dishonor, over to degrading passions, and over to depraved minds. What are we hitching our lives to? The ways of the world or to God?
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, who are BLESSED FOREVER, help us examine the courses of action to which we are hitched and rightly hitch to You.
Hitch Your Wagon to the Right Star

Are you familiar with the saying, “Hitch your wagon to a star”? It’s an idiom that means “to commit to an aspirational goal or course of action that will lead to fulfillment.”* But many today are hitching to the opposite. Instead of hitching to what Romans 1:25 describes as God who is BLESSED FOREVER, they’re hitching to the world. The Bible warns us that there are serious repercussions when people don’t honor God, give Him thanks, and they exchange the truth of God for a lie. God eventually gives those people over. Over to what? Romans 1:18-25 tells us – over to impurity, over to dishonor, over to degrading passions, and over to depraved minds. What are we hitching our lives to? The ways of the world or to God?
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, who are BLESSED FOREVER, help us examine the courses of action to which we are hitched and rightly hitch to You.
Hitch Your Wagon to the Right Star

Are you familiar with the saying, “Hitch your wagon to a star”? It’s an idiom that means “to commit to an aspirational goal or course of action that will lead to fulfillment.”* But many today are hitching to the opposite. Instead of hitching to what Romans 1:25 describes as God who is BLESSED FOREVER, they’re hitching to worldly godlessness. The Bible warns us that there are serious repercussions when people don’t honor God, give Him thanks, and exchange the truth of God for a lie. God eventually gives those people over. Over to what? Romans 1:18-25 tells us – over to impurity, over to dishonor, over to degrading passions, and over to depraved minds. What are we hitching our lives to? God who is BLESSED FOREVER or the world’s culture?
Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, who are BLESSED FOREVER, use us as lights to point people to You.
“BLESSED FOREVER” is one of God’s character traits. To learn other ways you can know God, join us HERE.
Praise to Him Who is BLESSED Forever
“For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is BLESSED FOREVER. Amen.”
Blessed means “praised.” Who are the ones who receive praise? Often it’s an accomplished athlete, musician, or artist. However, often the praise they receive is short lived when news spreads that they lied, used drugs, or weren’t who they purported to be. Those who had “sung their praises” are hurt, angry, and disappointed. If we want to do well and not wake up one day disappointed in a person, then we do well to worship and serve our Creator. He alone is worthy of our praise and is BLESSED FOREVER.
We praise You, BLESSED FOREVER Lord God!
This is one of God’s 365 attributes for which we can look up, praise, and trust Him. To learn about His other attributes and ways you can know God and praise Him, join us HERE.