Seeker of the Lost
Marco Polo
Did you ever play Marco Polo in the swimming pool? I have fond memories of playing it with my sister, Vicki. We’d take turns closing our eyes and calling out, “Marco.” The other one would respond, “Polo,” then swim away to avoid being tagged.
Some of us may think of Jesus as one who is blindly searching for us when we call out to Him. That is far from the case. Jesus has His eyes on us and is waiting for us to call on Him. Jesus is the seeker of the lost. As He explains in Luke 19:10, He came to earth to seek and to save. He sees you. He sees your unsaved loved ones. He’s calling all to come to Him for salvation.
Lord Jesus, SEEKER OF THE LOST, thank You that You see us and know where we are. Thank You for seeking and saving us. May those who are calling for You then running away, turn toward You and come to You. May our nation turn and come to You.
The Gospel of John is full of examples of Jesus seeking and saving the lost. It also recounts the death and resurrection of Jesus, which made a way for all to come to Him for salvation. Access Debbie’s free online Bible study of John HERE.
Marco Pollo
Did you ever play Marco Polo in the swimming pool? I have fond memories of playing it with my sister, Vicki. We’d take turns closing our eyes and calling out “Marco.” The other one would respond, “Polo,” then swim away to avoid being tagged. Some of us may think of Jesus as one who is blindly searching for us when we call out to Him. That is far from the case. Jesus has His eyes on us and is waiting for us to call on Him. Jesus is the SEEKER of the LOST, as He explains in Luke 19:10, He came to earth to seek and to save. He sees you. He sees your unsaved loved ones. He’s calling all to come to Him for salvation.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You see us and know where we are. Thank You for SEEKING and SAVING us. May those who are calling for You then running away, turn toward You and come to You. May our nation turn and come to You.
“The Son of Man has come to SEEK and to SAVE that which was lost, ” Luke 19:10.
Marco Pollo
Did you ever play Marco Polo in the swimming pool? I have fond memories of playing it with my sister, Vicki. We’d take turns closing our eyes and calling out “Marco.” The other one would respond, “Polo,” then swim away to avoid being tagged. Some of us may think of Jesus as one who is blindly searching for us when we call out to Him. That is far from the case. Jesus has His eyes on us and is waiting for us to call on Him. Jesus is the SEEKER of the LOST, as He explains in Luke 19:10, He came to earth to seek and to save. He sees you. He sees your unsaved loved ones. He’s calling our names.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You see us and know where we are. Thank You for SEEKING and SAVING us. May those who are calling for You then running away, turn toward You with arms open wide. May our nation turn toward You.
“The Son of Man has come to SEEK and to SAVE that which was lost, ” Luke 19:10.
Marco Pollo
Did you ever play Marco Polo in the swimming pool? I have fond memories of playing it with my sister, Vicki. We’d take turns closing our eyes and calling out “Marco.” The other one would respond “Polo” then swim away to avoid being tagged. Some of us may think of Jesus as one who is blindly searching for us when we call out to Him. That is far from the case. Jesus has His eyes on us and is waiting for us to call on Him. Jesus is the SEEKER of the LOST, as He explains in Luke 19:10, He came to earth to seek and to save. Call on Him. He sees you and wants to be found.
Lord Jesus, thank You that You see us and know where we are. Thank You for SEEKING and SAVING us. May those who are calling for You then running away, turn toward You with arms open wide.
“The Son of Man has come to SEEK and to SAVE that which was lost, ” Luke 19:10.
Marco Pollo
Did you ever play Marco Polo in the swimming pool? I have fond memories of playing it with my sister, Vicki. We’d take turns closing our eyes and calling out “Marco.” The other one would respond “Polo” then swim away so they wouldn’t be tagged. Some of us may think of Jesus as one who is blindly searching for us when we call out to Him. That is far from the case. Jesus has His eyes on us and is waiting for us to call on Him. Jesus is the SEEKER of the LOST, as He explains in Luke 19:10, He came to earth to seek and to save. Call on Him. He sees you.
Lord Jesus, Thank You that You can see us and know right where we are. Thank You for SEEKING and SAVING us. May those who are calling for You then running away, turn toward You with arms open wide.
“The Son of Man has come to SEEK and to SAVE that which was lost. ” Luke 19:10
Praise to the SEEKER OF THE LOST
“The Son of Man has come to SEEK and to SAVE that which was lost. ”
The first Bible study I was asked to write was Discovering His Passion. It’s one of my favorites. The premise of the book? Luke 19:10. Jesus explained who He was and what He was doing on earth; that He came from heaven to SEEK and to SAVE us. If you ever feel like your life has no value; or, when you get down on yourself…look up to the heavens. Gaze beyond the beauty of the clouds to the royal eternal home of Jesus. Then, think how He left heaven’s glory to come to earth to save your soul. Glory in that.
Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your passion to SEEK and to SAVE the lost, to save us. We praise You and can’t wait to be in Your presence.
Click HERE to learn more about Discovering His Passion.
“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Luke 19:10
The first book/Bible study I was asked to write was Discovering His Passion. It’s still one of my favorites. The premise of the book? Luke 19:10. Jesus explained Himself and why he went all over the country doing what He did. He had COME to earth to seek and to save people. Forget hunting for Easter eggs. Stop seeking the best for yourself. Join Jesus in His work. Seek those who don’t have a personal relationship with God. That was Jesus’s passion. I praise Him that He sought me out. I praise Him that He sought you out, and that He continues to seek and save the lost.
Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your passion to SEEK and to SAVE the lost. You sought and saved me. All praise to YOU!
Click HERE for info on Discovering His Passion.