Starting Strong with 2020 Vision
Are You In Need of Something BEAUTIFUL?

THANK YOU for YOUR PRAYERS for “Starting Strong with 2020 Vision.” Here are just a few of the comments we received:
- “I want you to know that was the most powerful, from-the-well- of-truth message I have heard you give. I got goosebumps. The Holy Spirit was surely present.”
- “I was so blessed by the whole morning and by the poem God put on your heart! Thank you for being His mouthpiece to me.”
If you weren’t able to attend, you can watch “Starting Strong with 2020 Vision” here. Prayers of My Heart Journal.
Do you have enemies? Are you fearful? Is there trouble anywhere? David, the psalmist, can relate. But he kept his eye on the ball. That is, he kept his eye on God, His past and His present faithfulness. He knew God to be the beauty in the ashes; the righteous in the midst of evil. And David chose – just like we can (and are) to gaze and meditate on God’s beauty and His eternal temple to which we’re headed. In the midst of the agony and defeat, discouragement and doubt, we can say, “One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple.” Psalm 27:4
BEAUTIFUL LORD, we praise You. Thank You for being the beauty in our day and the One on whom we can gaze and meditate.
Not Just Any Man

Jesus came to earth as a baby so He might grow into a man; but not just any man. He came from heaven as our MESSIAH. Andrew heard John the Baptist announce that Jesus was the Lamb of God who had come to take away the sins of the world. Andrew followed Jesus and after spending time with Him, went and told his brother, Simon Peter, “We have found the MESSIAH,” John 1:41. Andrew was intentional about his search for the Messiah and after finding Him, was intentional about telling others. What ways can we be more intentional about sharing Christ with others? We can begin by praying for our unsaved friends and for our nation to turn to Christ. I label the last column in the Week at a Glance section of Prayers of My Heart: “Unsaved” so I remember to daily pray for unsaved friends and family. I hope you’re joining me at Starting Strong with 2020 Vision. I’ll be sharing additional ways we can strengthen our prayer life in 2020. Click to register: Starting Strong with 2020 Vision.
How about inviting a neighbor to join you?
Jesus Christ, MESSIAH, You are all good things: love, forgiveness, hope, peace, and joy! Help us be as Andrew; intentional about following You and about telling others about You.