The Plan A Mom in a Plan B World
Praise to God, Our SUPPLIER

Do you ever feel empty or drained? What about anxious or uptight? Does mad or angry better describe you? Or sad and melancholy? Whatever our condition, whatever our need, we have a SUPPLIER. Short on perseverance? Ready to give up or cave in? Feel like you’re going to blow a fuse? Don’t know how you’ll ever smile again? Those are temporary feelings that we can have at times. But if we’re a Christian, we have hope. God offers to SUPPLY all our needs according to HIS RICHES in GLORY in CHRIST JESUS. Don’t tightly hold on to any angry or discouraged feelings. Rather, open your heart and hand. Take hold of what you need through God’s SUPPLY of glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for being the SUPPLIER of all we need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus!
“And my God will SUPPLY all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19
I So Messed Up

Looking at the nail holes in the wall after rearranging pictures, my mother’s suggestion came to mind. “Use toothpaste to fill holes.” However, after filling the holes I realized I had messed up because her walls, unlike mine, were white. The toothpaste fillings were worse than the holes. Have you ever messed up on matters of far more importance? When we mess up, as in sin, guilt can consume us, but it’s not where God wants us to stay. Instead, Psalm 32:5 tells us how to move from guilt to grace. “I acknowledged my sin to You; and my iniquity I did not hide; I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord’; and You forgave the guilt of my sin.” In whatever way we mess up, we can acknowledge our sin to God, turn from it, and embrace His grace. Learn more in my book, The Plan A Mom in a Plan B World at Amazon or debbietaylorwilliams.†
Why It’s Important to Open Our Hands and Hearts
Do you ever feel empty or drained? What about anxious or uptight? Does mad or angry better describe you? Or sad and melancholy? Whatever our condition, whatever our need, Philippians 4:19 tells us “God will SUPPLY all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Short on perseverance? Ready to give up or cave in? Feel like you’re going to blow a fuse? Don’t know how you will ever smile again? Although we may have those feelings at times, we’re not hopeless. God offers to SUPPLY all our needs according to HIS RICHES in GLORY in CHRIST JESUS. Rather than tightly clutch to anger or discouragement, we can open our hands and hearts to God who will pour into them His SUPPLY of glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for supplying all we need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus!
Kidz Time 2: Memory Verses A-Z
Use the slideshow below to help your child memorize God's Word with these kid friendly A-Z Bible verses.
Kidz Time 1: Memory Verses A-Z
Use the slideshow below to help your child memorize God's Word with these kid friendly A-Z Bible verses.
How to Raise Young Children to Know Jesus
Do you want to raise your preschooler to know Christ? Here are some simple things you can do.
Thank You, Jesus, for Being Our eXAMPLE
“For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps,”
Have you ever wished you had a mentor; someone to follow; someone to teach you how to do your job better, be a better spouse, or even live for Christ? Many people lack a good “example” to follow. Young girls get pregnant, but may not know how to be a good mother. Husbands may not know how to treat their wives because they grew up in a home with an absentee father. Arguing, lying, and trusting in “self” rather than God is often the norm. Yet, in the midst of a lack of good examples, our Heavenly Father provides a good example in His Son. Jesus shows us how to stand against temptation, how to live for God’s will, how to treat others, and even how to suffer for righteousness’s sake. Jesus is an eXample of how we’re to entrust ourselves to our Heavenly Father. (1 Peter 2:22-23) In a world filled with bad examples, how wonderful that we can follow Jesus.
We praise You, Lord Jesus, our EXAMPLE!
Thank you for remembering us in your year end giving. We’d like to say thank you by sending you my book/study, “The Plan A Mom in a Plan B Word: How to Raise Faithful Kids in a Flawed World” for any donation of $25 or more. Let us know where you’d like us to send your free copy, to you or a friend. Short, encouraging chapters for moms of all ages include: A Snoot or A Smile, I Have to or I Get To, Being Overly Controlling or Trusting God with My Child, Hopeless or Hopeful, Angry and Confused or Of a Sound Mind, Focusing On My Weakness or Living By Christ’s Empowerment, Stuck in Single Mom Grief or Responding to God’s Voice, My Child or God’s Child. Each chapter includes lessons from a Biblical mom PLUS A CURRENT DAY MOM SHARING HER STORY. Great for personal reflection or group study. Thank you for donating. Your gift is tax deductible, deeply appreciated, and enables us to continue to spread the Word and love of Jesus.
Praise to God, Our SUPPLIER
“And my God will SUPPLY all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Do you ever feel empty or drained? What about anxious or uptight? Does mad or angry better describe you? Or sad and melancholy? Whatever our condition, whatever our need, we have a SUPPLIER. Short on perseverance? Ready to give up or cave in? Feel like you’re going to blow a fuse? Don’t know how you’ll ever smile again? Those are temporary, normal feelings that we can have at times. But if we’re a Christian, we have hope. God offers to SUPPLY all our needs according to HIS RICHES in GLORY in CHRIST JESUS. Don’t tightly clutch downcast, angry, or discouraged feeling to your chest. Rather, open your heart and hand. Take hold of what you need according to God’s SUPPLY of glorious riches in Christ Jesus. In my traveling and speaking, I often find moms feel badly about how they are doing as a parent. Even after children leave the house, or if an adult child returns home, moms can feel drained or guilty. If you relate or know a mom who could use encouragement, then consider the gift of The Plan A Mom in a Plan B World. Grasp from the supply of what God offers moms of all ages and stages.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for being the SUPPLIER of all we need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus!
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