Thank You for Trusting Me with Your Body

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“Thank you for trusting me with your body,” the massage therapist commented at the end of my session. His comment startled me and caused me to wonder if a neck massage could have turned into a snapped neck. The fact is we do trust our body to people: doctors, massage therapists, nutritionists. More importantly, we entrust our body to Christ or the devil. Yes, Jude 9 records that Michael, the archangel, disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses. The devil wanted Moses’ body. That is a horrifying thought. It is equally horrifying to realize the devil wants our body and soul. It begs an important question. To whom have you entrusted your body? “Meet Jesus.”
TRUST of ALL the ENDS Of the EARTH and of the FARTHEST SEA
“By awesome deeds You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, You who are the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea;”
Psalm 65:5
God is not the God of only a certain people group, class, or church denomination. Rather, David points out that God is the One to whom ALL people can come (verse 2), and that God hears their prayers. Do you live in a remote part of the world, but are receiving this? Are you in rehab and looking for One you can trust? Are you in a country where you have to have these words translated, but are seeking a God who can save you? Are you a missionary living with those who speak a different language? How awesome it is to know that the God of our salvation, who answers in righteousness is the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea.
Lord, we worship You, who are the TRUST of ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH and of the FARTHEST SEA.
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