Unasnwered prayer
When You Question God’s Goodness

Have you ever thought, “Why did You let this happen, God?” Or, perhaps you’ve wondered why God hasn’t answered your prayers? In Isaiah 40:28 we’re told, “The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable.” What does that have to do with God not answering our prayers, or seeming to have not answered our prayers? The NIV version explains, “His understanding no one can fathom.” The New King James states, “His understanding is unsearchable.” In other words, when we pray and God doesn’t answer in the way or timing we want, it helps if we remember that His understanding of us, our situation, and others involved is better than our understanding. Trust and faith are essential elements of not only our profession of faith but also our daily walk. We can trust God, whose understanding is inscrutable and unfathomable. Will we?
Lord, Your understanding is inscrutable, far beyond what we can fathom. Help us look to you in faith, trusting in Your proven goodness.
When You Question God’s Goodness

to join my husband, Keith, and me this morning. 9:45-10:45 while we explore 2 Peter’s teaching on “How to Live by the Divine Nature.” Trinity Baptist Church, 800 Jackson Rd, Kerrville, TX in the Family Life Center/Gym. Dress as you please. All welcome. Coffee, fruit, donuts. Join us!
Have you ever thought, “Why did You let this happen, God?” Or, perhaps you’ve wondered why God hasn’t answered your prayers? In Isaiah 40:28 we’re told, “The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth does not become weary or tired. His understanding is INSCRUTABLE.” What does that have to do with God not appearing to answer our prayers? The word “INSCRUTABLE” comes from two Hebrew words that describe God’s understanding. The New International Version of the Bible uses the word “fathom.” “His understanding no one can fathom.” The New King James Version states it: “His understanding is unsearchable.” In other words, when we pray and don’t receive the answer from God that we want, or not in the timing we want, it helps to remember that His understanding of our situation is better than our understanding. His understanding of us and those involved is better than our understanding. Trust and faith are essential elements of not only our profession of faith; but also of our daily walk. We can trust our God, whose understanding is INSCRUTABLE. Will we?
Lord, Your understanding is INSCRUTABLE. We look to You with faith in Your proven goodness.