Unchanging Love
If You’re in Need of Love and Grace

Are you the kind of person who feels guilty easily? Do you want to live for Christ, but often feel like a failure or like you’ve let God down? Do others remind you of your sin or hold your wrongs over your head? If so, Micah 7:18 is a comforting verse on which to meditate. “Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity… He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in unchanging love.”
Think about that verse and personalize it. God forgives me. God pardons my sin. God doesn’t stay angry with me. God delights in unchanging love for me. Yes, we should go to God and others when we sin and ask for their forgiveness. Yes, we should practice walking in God’s ways. But not until heaven will we be perfect.
God doesn’t forgive us and then want us to walk in guilt. Rather, God forgives us so we walk in grace. What a wonderful verse on which to meditate. Is there someone with whom you could share it to encourage them in their faith walk?
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and UNCHANGING LOVE! What a blessing You are.
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If You’re in Need of Love and Grace

Are you the kind of person who easily feels guilty? Do you want to live for Christ, but often feel like a failure or like you’ve let God down? Do others remind you of your sin or hold your wrongs over your head? If so, Micah 7:18 is a comforting verse on which to meditate. “Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity… He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in UNCHANGING LOVE.” Think about that verse and personalize it. God forgives me. God pardons my sin. God doesn’t stay angry with me. God delights in UNCHANGING LOVE for me. Yes, we should go to God and others when we sin and ask their forgiveness. Yes, we should practice walking in God’s ways. But not until heaven will we be perfect. God doesn’t forgive us then want us to walk in guilt. Rather, God forgives us so we walk in grace. What a wonderful verse on which to meditate. Is there someone with whom you could share it to encourage them in their faith walk?
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and UNCHANGING LOVE! What a blessing You are.
If You’re in Need of Love and Grace

Are you the kind of person who easily feels guilty? Do you want to live for Christ, but often feel like a failure or like you’ve let God down? Do others remind you of your sin or hold your wrongs over your head? If so, Micah 7:18 is a comforting verse on which to meditate. “Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity… He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in UNCHANGING LOVE.” Think about that verse and personalize it. God forgives me. God pardons my sin. God doesn’t stay angry with me. God delights in UNCHANGING LOVE for me. Yes, we should go to God and others when we sin and ask their forgiveness. Yes, we should practice walking in God’s ways. But, not until we arrive in heaven will we be perfect. God doesn’t forgive us so we walk in guilt. God forgives us so we walk in grace. What a joyful verse on which to meditate.
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and UNCHANGING LOVE! What a blessing You are.
If You’re in Need of Love and Grace
Are you the kind of person who easily feels guilty? Do you want to live for Christ, but often feel like a failure or like you’ve let God down? Do others remind you of your sin or hold your wrongs over your head? If so, Micah 7:18 is a comforting verse on which to meditate. “Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity… He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in UNCHANGING LOVE.” Think about these words and personalize them. God forgives me. God pardons my sin. God doesn’t stay angry with me. God delights in UNCHANGING LOVE for me. Yes, we should go to God and others when we sin and ask forgiveness. Yes, we should practice walking in God’s ways. But, until heaven we won’t be perfect. God doesn’t forgive us so we walk in guilt. God forgives us so we walk in grace. What a joyful verse on which to meditate.
Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and UNCHANGING LOVE! What a blessing You are.
Praise to God for His UNCHANGING LOVE
“Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity…
He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in UNCHANGING LOVE.”
Have you ever wanted someone to change? Maybe the person was a little rough around the edges, grumpy, or a complainer. “If only they would change!” we might sigh. But One whom we do not want to change is God. Why? He pardons our iniquity. He doesn’t stay angry. He delights in UNCHANGING LOVE for us. What a joyful thing for us to contemplate. Does it make you smile? It does me.
Lord, we praise You for Your UNCHANGING LOVE! What a blessing You are.
“Who is a God like You, who pardons iniquity…
He does not retain His anger forever,
Because He delights in unchanging love.”
Micah 7:18
Have you ever wanted someone to change? Maybe the person was a little rough around the edges, grumpy, or not a good money manager. “If only they would change!” we might sigh. But one whom we do not want to change is God! Why? He pardons our iniquity. He has an UNCHANGING LOVE for us. Does that make you smile? It does me.
Lord, I praise You for Your UNCHANGING LOVE!
Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, www.debbietaylorwilliams.com. Thank you.