Women's Gathering

Esther Bible Study


About the Study

Although God’s name is not mentioned in the book of Esther, every page is full of God, who hides Himself behind every word. The book of Esther tells the story of a Hebrew girl who was hidden away for God’s purpose and then, when the time was right…was brought to the front to work out His plan. God used Queen Esther—who was willing to risk her own life—to save His people Israel, so that they might bless the whole world through Jesus Christ. A Joy of Living Bible Study taught by Debbie Taylor Williams.


Days, Times, and Location

In-Person Location

Trinity Baptist Church

800 Jackson Rd, Kerrville, TX

Also available online under “Bible Studies”



March 26-May 14, 2025, 10:00am – noon

Childcare by Reservation



March 27-May 15, 2025, 6:00 – 7:30pm

Childcare Voucher Available





Jude Bible Study


About the Study

What is the shortest book in the Bible? If you said Jude, you’re close, but actually it is the fifth shortest book with only 25 verses. So why take the time to study the book of Jude? The reason is because it is filled with important words for Christians.

In this three-week study you’ll be both encouraged and challenged.

Topics include:

  • Warnings about who and what is infiltrating our churches
  • Angelic majesties
  • The judgement to come
  • The last days
  • What is meant by praying in the Holy Spirit
  • What it means to be devoid of the Spirit
  • The importance of mercy
  • How a believer can keep from stumbling in their walk with God
  • How to stand blameless before the Lord

Through the study of Jude, you’ll be awakened to the importance of guarding your faith and being mindful of what you are being taught. In addition, you’ll be encouraged and equipped to stand for the Christian faith.

Accompanying videos and podcasts will deepen your understanding of Jude’s words and show you how you can walk out your faith in everyday life.


Days, Times, and Location

In-Person Location

Trinity Baptist Church

800 Jackson Rd, Kerrville, TX

Also available online under “Bible Studies”



July 10 – 24, 10:00am – noon

Childcare by Reservation



July 11 – 25, 6:00 – 7:30pm

Childcare Voucher Available


Bible Study Book: $8


Register HERE



End Times Bible Study


Join us for Spring Women’s Bible Study!

Jesus taught about it. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Micah, Joel, Paul, James, Peter, and John, among others, were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write about it. Write about what? The prophesied last days. The end times. The Day of the Lord. Bible scholars state that at least 25% of the Bible is prophecy and half of the prophecies are still to be fulfilled. Yet often Christians don’t know what the Bible says about the end times. In fact, some Christians avoid the subject even though Jesus called John up to heaven in order to reveal what was going to happen in the last days, which he recorded in Revelation.

End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do is not a verse-by-verse study of Revelation nor is it a prediction of when the Lord is going to return. Only our Heavenly Father knows that. Rather, it is a Biblically based study of what the Bible tells us about the end times and how we are to live in light of them. Topics include:

  • The Reasons for End Times Prophecies
  • The Reliability of Prophecy
  • The Reality of the Rapture
  • The Revealing of End Time Events
  • The Rewards for Faithful Living
  • How to Have Assurance of Salvation

Through this study, you’ll become knowledgeable of where the end times are mentioned in the Bible, the signs of the end times, and how the Bible tells us to live in light of the end times and Christ’s return.

Accompanying videos will deepen your understanding of end time events and answer the question, “what can I do to prepare for the end times and help others prepare?”

Register HERE.


Start the New Year Strong with 2020 Vision


“I can see better. Colors are brighter. Whites more white. I have 20/20 vision!” Can you relate to those comments? You can if you have a new eyeglass prescription or had cataract surgery. Seeing clearly is a welcomed blessing. It affects our outlook and quality of life. The same is true for spiritual vision. What is spiritual vision? How can we achieve 20/20 spiritual vision in 2020?  

Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart

Did you know your heart has eyes, a metaphor for the eye of our mind, the faculty of knowing?  It does, and in Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul prays that the eyes of our heart be enlightened. The implication is there is more to see than we realize. More to see of “the hope of Christ’s calling; more to see of the surpassing greatness of Christ’s power.” How did Paul know? He’d been “caught up to the third heaven” where he heard things inexpressible. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) The man once blinded by Christ’s light now clearly sees Christ’s glory and power.

The Eyes of Our Heart and Mind Communicate

In case you’re not aware, our heart functions as more than a blood pumping muscle. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, along with others including the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health write on, “Cellular Communications in the Heart,” “cell cross talk” and “intercellular communication.” If cells communicate, affecting our physical heart condition, why would we doubt communication with God affects our spiritual heart condition? 

Verses throughout the Bible address the power of our heart to influence our thinking and therefore, lives. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,” Proverbs 4:23.  “As a man thinks in his heart so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. As we think in our heart?  Our heart thinks? Apparently, yes. Psalm 119:11 speaks of the power of our heart on our behavior. “I have hidden Your Words in my heart so that I would not sin against Thee.” Yes, God created our heart as a spiritual receptor that communicates with our mind and influences our emotions and behavior. Did not Christ say that rivers of living water would flow from our innermost being, referring to the Holy Spirit’s influence on us? (John 7:38)

How Are the Eyes of Our Heart Enlightened? 

People seek higher education at universities because learning is enlightening and empowering. Wise believers seek an even Higher education – the mind of Christ – so they’ll be enlightened and empowered to live for Christ. The more Bible knowledge we apply to our heart through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the better our spiritual vision. Join me January 8 at “Starting Strong with 2020 Vision.” Get a Bible study and walk with increased spiritual vision and power in 2020. Information below.

Heavenly Father, thank You for enlightening the eyes of our heart as we read and apply Your truths to our hearts.


Women’s Gathering with Debbie Taylor Williams

What:   Starting Strong with 2020 Vision

When:  Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 11 -12 noon

Where:  Trinity Baptist Church Chapel, Kerrville, TX

Register: Call Gina at 830.895.0100 or register online at https://www.tbck.org/events/. Childcare for infants to kindergarten must be registered. 

Email [email protected] for more information. 

$7.50 includes Prayers of My Heart journal and refreshments. Scholarships available. 
