Wondrously Marvelous
Is Lip Service a Big Deal to God?

A person who is not a Christian once challenged me and asked why believers talk about God’s love but never His wrath. I thought about his question and realized that I, too, am guilty of this very thing. Think about all the wonderful ways we look at God’s love, gentleness, and favor. Today, however, let’s consider the context in which God’s actions are described as wondrously marvelous in reference to His judgment on people who claim His name, but simply give lip service to Him.
God uses the prophet Isaiah to call these people out in Isaiah 29:13-14. “Then the Lord said, ‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, therefore, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously marvelous.'” He goes on to warn them of the consequences of their lip service and rote worship.
We might want to relegate our Creator’s wrath to the Old Testament, but Revelation 16 speaks of God’s judgment being poured out in a future day. We may wonder, “Is mankind’s behavior and sincerity of worship a big deal to God?” The answer is, “yes.”
Lord, You alone are worthy of our praise. You extend mercy to those who call on Your name but are WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS in Your discipline toward those who give You lip service and rote worship. Forgive us and prompt us daily to live by Your Spirit.
One of the ways we can avoid giving lip service to God is by listening to and being led by His Spirit. If you’d like to learn more, listen to this free podcast teaching: Listen UP! 31 Points Every Christian Should Know About the Holy Spirit.
Is Lip Service a Big Deal to God

A person who is not a Christian once challenged me and asked why believers talk about God’s love but never His wrath. I thought about his question and realized that I’m guilty of that very thing. Think about all the wonderful ways we look at God’s love, gentleness, and favor. Today, however, the context in which God’s actions are described as WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS is a reference to His judgment on people who claim His name, but simply give lip service to Him. God uses the prophet Isaiah to call them out in Isaiah 29:13-14. “Then the Lord said, ‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, therefore, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS.'” He goes on to warn them of the consequences of their lip service and rote worship. We might want to relegate our Creator’s wrath to the Old Testament, but Revelation 16 speaks of God’s judgment being poured out in a future day. We may wonder, “Is mankind’s behavior and sincerity of worship a big deal to God?” The answer is, yes.
Lord, You alone are worthy of our praise. You extend mercy to those who call on Your name, but are WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS in Your discipline toward those who give You lip service and rote worship. Forgive us and prompt us daily to live by Your Spirit.
Get Prayers of My Heart and journal your prayers, repentance, and thanks to God for the best 2021!
Is Lip Service a Big Deal to God

A person who is not a Christian once challenged me and asked why believers talk about God’s love but never His wrath. I thought about his question and realized that I’m guilty of that very thing. Think about all the wonderful ways we look at God’s love, gentleness, and favor. Today, however, the context in which God’s actions are described as WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS is a reference to His judgment on people who claim His name, but simply give lip service to Him. God uses the prophet Isaiah to call them out in Isaiah 29:13-14. “Then the Lord said, ‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, therefore, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS.'” He goes on to warn them of the consequences of their lip service and rote worship. We might want to relegate our Creator’s wrath to the Old Testament, but Revelation 16 speaks of God’s judgment being poured out in a future day. We may wonder, “Is mankind’s behavior and sincerity of worship a big deal to God?” The answer is, yes.
Lord, You alone are worthy of our praise. You extend mercy to those who call on Your name, but are WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS in Your discipline toward those who give You lip service and rote worship. Forgive us and prompt us daily to live by Your Spirit.
Get it NOW & journal your thanks to God for the best 2020!
Is Lip Service a Big Deal to God

A person who is not a Christian once asked why believers talk about God’s love but never His wrath. I thought about his question and realized I’m guilty of that very thing. Think about all the wonderful ways we look at God’s love, gentleness, and grace. Today, however, the context in which God’s actions are described as WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS is in reference to His judgment on people who claim His name, but simply give lip service to Him. God uses the prophet Isaiah to call them out in Isaiah 29:13-14. “Then the Lord said, ‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, but they remove their hearts from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, therefore, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS.'” He goes on to warn them about the consequences of lip service and rote worship. We might want to relegate God’s wrath to the Old Testament, but Revelation 16 speaks of God’s judgement being poured out on the earth in a future day. No doubt, God isn’t impressed with our lip service. Rather, our loving Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Lord, You alone are worthy of our praise. You extend mercy to those who call on Your name, but also discipline in WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS ways those who give You lip service and rote worship. Forgive us and prompt us daily to live by Your Spirit.
Get it NOW & journal your thanks to God for the best 2019!
Is Lip Service a Big Deal to God

A person who is not a Christian once challenged me and asked why believers talk about God’s love but never His wrath. I thought about his question, and realized that I’m guilty of that very thing. Think about all the wonderful ways we look at God’s love, gentleness, and favor. Today, however, the context in which God’s actions are described as WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS is a reference to His judgment on people who claim His name, but simply give lip service to Him. God uses the prophet Isaiah to call them out in Isaiah 29:13-14. “Then the Lord said, ‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, therefore, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS.'” He goes on to warn them of the consequences of their lip service and rote worship. We might want to relegate our Creator’s wrath to the Old Testament, but Revelation 16 speaks of God’s judgement being poured out on the earth in a future day. We may wonder, “Is our behavior and sincerity of worship a big deal to God?” The answer is, clearly they are.
Lord, You alone are worthy of our praise. You extend mercy to those who call on Your name, but also discipline in WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS ways those who give You lip service and rote worship. Forgive us and prompt us daily to live by Your Spirit.
Get it NOW & journal your thanks to God for the best 2019!
“I will once again deal marvelously with this people, wondrously marvelous;…”
What is the context in which God’s actions are described as WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS? The prior verse explains. “Then the Lord said, ‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with their lip service, But they remove their hearts from Me, and their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote, therefore, I will once again deal marvelously with this people, WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS.'” “WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS” means “separate by distinguishing action, to do extraordinary or hard or difficult thing, beyond one’s power.”*
Lord, You alone are God, WONDROUSLY MARVELOUS. May our worship of You be in sincerity of heart and true reverence; not lip service.
FIND MORE encouragement HERE.
Praise to Our WONDROUS Lord
“You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied
And praise the name of the LORD your God,
Who has dealt WONDROUSLY with you;
Then My people will never be put to shame.”
Joel 2:26 is filled with promises and praise. But if you read Joel 1, you’ll find stripping locusts, weeping drunkards, ruined fields, earthquakes, and weeping priests. The Bible is honest. It tells us like it is… or like it will be one day. But then, when we wonder, “Where is God,” we read in Joel 2…
“The Lord will answer and say to His people…” (v19) “Do not fear, O land, rejoice and be glad, for the Lord has done great things.” (v21) “Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locusts has eaten…” (v25)
“You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied and praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt WONDROUSLY with you; Then My people will never be put to shame.” (v26)
God is WONDROUS and deals wondrously with His people. “Wondrously” means “separate by distinguishing action, to do an extraordinary thing.” If we ever start to doubt God’s goodness, we need only look at the cross. It was terrible…but God was doing a wondrous and redemptive work. He is still doing wondrous work all around us. For that, we can be thankful!
Lord God, You are WONDROUS and redemptive. May we worship You in sincerity of heart and mind for all You’ve done, for all You do for us everyday, and for the wondrous eternity to which we look.
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