Do You Need a “Yet” in Your Life

Have you ever given yourself a good hard look and thought, “I can’t do it”? Maybe you did some soul searching after hearing a sermon on forgiveness. After contemplating if you could forgive a person, you thought, “I can’t.” Or maybe you’ve had surgery and were told to get up and walk down the hall. Laying in bed you considered how weak you felt. The idea of swinging your legs over the bed seemed impossible and to touch your feet to the hospital floor and take steps insurmountable. Maybe you’ve been nauseated. You haven’t slept. You’re weak. You contemplate your twin’s cries to be lifted from their crib and you don’t think you have the strength to take care of them all day. The above situations are ones you’ve perhaps experienced, and somewhere deep down inside you ended up realizing that hard as it was, you were able to do the hard work before you. But there was another person who contemplated his situation and unlike the ones we ended up being able to do, he truly wasn’t able. Yet God was telling him a result that was expected. We find the situation being recounted in Romans 4:17-21. God told Abraham he would be the father of many nations and that he would father a child with his wife, Sarah. But listen to his odds for doing that. “Without becoming weak in faith he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb;” Stop right there. Can’t you just see it? Abraham is looking at his body. He’s staring at it. Contemplating it. “Isn’t going to happen,” he must be thinking. But even if a miracle happened with his body, he turns and looks at his wrinkled wife and contemplates that she wasn’t able to get pregnant in her fertile years. Not going to happen.
“Yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform, Romans 4:20-21.”
Amazing! Whoop it up with me will you? Do you need a “yet”? A “yet with respect to the promises of God” in your life? God is here for us. Refresh your knowledge of how His promises are relevant by studying 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude.