The Spiritual Side of Broccoli

I’m doing a happy dance about the broccoli in my garden. Yes, I’ve had small gardens in past years, but I’ve never grown broccoli. Now, however, I have a beautiful head of broccoli on my kitchen counter ready to cook for dinner tonight. I can’t wait! So how did this delicious plant grow? Among numerous items that had to happen, the stem had to stay attached to the stalk. Otherwise, the floret would not have been produced. It is simple logic. We understand it. We don’t question the fruit bearing process. Building on the analogy of that which is common, Jeremiah 23:5 explains our spiritual relationship to Jesus. He describes Jesus as a righteous branch. “‘Behold, the days are coming,’ declares the Lord, when I shall raise up for David a righteous Branch; and He will reign as king and act wisely and do justice and righteousness in the land.’” Our Heavenly Father planted Jesus in our midst on planet earth. Believers are grafted into Him and His righteous Spirit is in us and able to produce the crowning fruit of His life that is visible and tasty to others. We do well to ask, “Is it?”
Heavenly Father, thank You for grafting us into the righteous branch of Jesus Christ. We pray that Christ’s Spirit flow through us so our lives produce that which is appealing to others so they seek to be also grafted into Christ.