Unchanging God

Have you ever been with a person whose convictions changed as often as the seasons? Perhaps they read a book and decided to follow that person’s opinion and philosophy of life. Then they read another book and decided to follow a different view. Thank goodness believers don’t have to worry about God flipping His opinion every other year. Thank goodness and thank God that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) In other words, we can depend on Him. Christ and His teaching are IMMUTABLE. They are unchanging. What He called holy yesterday is holy today and will be holy tomorrow. What He called sin yesterday is sin today and is sin tomorrow. And, the grace God extended yesterday is the grace He extends today and extends tomorrow. We follow and serve an unchanging, IMMUTABLE God.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, IMMUTABLE, unchanging Lord God!