When Storms Overwhelm

Are the storms in your life overwhelming you…perhaps literally? Whether the storms are literal or metaphorical, fear can flood our emotions. Lightning bolts of regret can strike us to the core. Worry can flood our minds. But God doesn’t want us to stay overwhelmed, drowning in fear, worry, and regret. That’s why He has given us His Spirit; His very presence to be with us. Just as shelters offer a place for flood victims, God calls us to come to Him for REFUGE. The Hebrew word “REFUGE” means shelter from danger or falsehood. The more closely we stay under God’s arms of truth, the more protected we are from the enemies’ lies. Psalm 46:1 reminds us that God is our REFUGE, a very present help in trouble. Go to Him. Shelter under the truth of His love for you.
Lord, You are a REFUGE who shelters us from Satan’s lies, worldly deceptions, and life’s storms. Remind us to not stand in the rain of discouragement, but rather shelter under You.