When You Cry Out, He’ll Hear

Do you have children or have you ever babysat? Think for a moment to a time when a child cried for you. Maybe they were in their crib. Or perhaps you heard a thud, then the cry of a toddler who had fallen. What happened at the moment they cried out? Their voice “came into your ears.” I love the way that just as a child’s cry “comes into our ears,” the psalmist, David, worded that our cries “come into God’s ears.” Second Samuel 22:7 says, “In my distress, I called upon the Lord. Yes, I cried to my God and from His temple, He heard my voice, and my cry for help came into His ears.” Yes, just as we can hear a child’s cry even if we’re in another part of the house, so God hears our cry from His temple. Our cries to God go into His ears. Our Heavenly Father is a HEARING GOD, not a deaf God. What will you cry out to Him about today?
Hearing Father, thank You for listening to our cries. Help us also listen to You.