Make the Switch From Me, Me, Me

Me. Me. Me.
We probably wouldn’t want to admit it, but in our innermost being, we may be more self-centered than Christ-centered. Our day may not begin with, “Heavenly Father, how can I serve You?” Rather, our first thought may be what we want to get out of the day.
Have you ever considered doing a 180: a turnaround based on Ephesians 5:2? “Walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”
In other words, followers of Christ are told to follow His example.
We’re to walk in love and offer our lives to God to serve His purposes. What happens when we do? We have the opportunity to be a fragrance of Christ to God and others.
Christ Jesus, You are the ultimate example of being an OFFERING and sacrifice to God. Help me follow Your example so my life is a fragrant offering to You.
Check out Debbie’s newly published devotional book, 365 Days of Praise! The devotional features 365 attributes of God, heartfelt prayers based on God’s character, as well as explanations of who God is, complete with daily applications. Order HERE and start the new year on the right foot by spending more time in God’s Word.