When You Need Deeper Faith

I know, I know, I know. We sing about Jesus’s resurrection. But is it ever hard for you to get your mind around the fact He was raised from the dead? Do you ever stop and ponder if you believe what you do because you’ve always been told that or if it is your own conviction? When Jesus said, “‘I am the RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies’” (John 11:25), He was talking to a woman who was saying with her mouth she believed but who wasn’t expecting Jesus to raise her deceased brother. Jesus is patient with us just like He was with Martha. If you’re struggling to believe or you have questions, Jesus is always present for you to talk to Him. Ask Him your questions. Listen quietly in His presence. Open your Bible and ask Him to guide you through it. Keep seeking. He’s a prayer away and able to lead us to deeper faith.
Lord, You are the RESURRECTION and the LIFE. We profess our faith with thanksgiving that You are ever present and able to lead us to deeper faith in You.