When You’re Sad or Mad

Are you ever sad or mad? Of course, we have times when we’re sad or perhaps mad. Our world is a challenging place. That’s why we’re wise to be proactive with our emotions. Just like we have daily physical routines, we can establish mood routines. For instance, when you wake, open the spiritual door and greet God, “Good morning, Lord. Thank you for this day. Fill me with Your Spirit.” Those simple words help us be mindful that our Heavenly Father is with us, our life has purpose, and we choose Christ’s Spirit to reign in our life; sure joy lifters!  If you have Prayers of My Heart journal, read the verse at the top of the page in the Notes and Prayers section. Write it to help hide it in your heart. When you’re mad or sad, write your feelings to God. Quietly sit in His presence. Record the thoughts He brings to you. Read your Bible. Discover the joy of His Holy Spirit ministering to you from the inside out.
