Who’s Your Daddy

IT’S NOT TOO LATE, but it ALMOST is: REGISTER NOW for our Jan 8, 11-noon Women’s Gathering. Call 830-895-0100 or click HERE: STARTING STRONG with 2020 VISION.
Have you ever seen the startled look in a child’s eyes when they were afraid of something? On the other hand, have you seen a child recognize their father in a crowded room and run to their father gleefully? Have you seen a child cry and call on their daddy and say “Daddy, Daddy,” or maybe “dada”? It’s hard to believe but Romans 8:15 says believers have “received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, ‘ABBA FATHER;” which means Daddy! Daddy! What does it mean that God is our Abba Father? It means closeness. A personal relationship. He cares about us. That we can call on Him. You may not have had a great earthly daddy, but you have a great heavenly daddy and that’s a reason to be joyful.
LORD, You are ABBA FATHER! We praise and thank You for adopting us as Your child. Help us trust and obey You.
Tick Tock: REGISTER NOW! Jan 8, 11-noon Women’s Gathering: STARTING STRONG with 2020 VISION.